Project Camelot and I'm very pleased today to have Michael tell enger' here
with me and this is a real treat we haven't been in touch in quite a while
so he's been off doing the Mbutu and we're gonna hear more about that and so
it's it's great to have you here Michael and say hello to everyone hi everybody
Carrie so nice to see you haven't seen you for so long and haven't spoken for a
while it feels like a positive drifted apart and here we are very happy to
connect yes absolutely well it's it's great that you're still doing the boon
too and I understand that you're going to be having doing some more
investigation into stone circles etc and keeping that going so what we'd like to
do is is really explore both areas in whichever order you'd like and I want to
say that Michael is a very excellent author and he's written several books
which I don't have those in front of me at the moment but Michael why don't we
give you a preliminary kind of an introduction for those people who are
not familiar with you and your work Thank You Carrie well my my first book
was called or is called slave species of God which was then re-released a few
years ago by Baron Coe inner traditions under slightly different title called
slave species of the gods and the original title had specifically what
some people thought a mistake in the title because God was God with a
small G very purposefully so it was originally slave species of God God with
a small G which I wanted to draw people's attention to the difference
between God with a big G and God with a small G or the gods with a small G and
and it worked very well nevertheless then I wrote a book called Adams
calendar in 2007 when I discovered the stone circles and the ancient ruins of
southern Africa in a much greater detail than what
ever imagined and that took me on a journey and a bath of discovery that I
never for one second expected and I was to expose and bring to the attention of
the world what now remains the largest cluster or collection of ancient stone
ruins found anywhere on earth right here in South Africa and also in
Zimbabwe which includes Adams calendar which we can talk about in more detail
and Great Zimbabwe in in our neighboring country north of us Zimbabwe and this
research also led to the discovery in 2004 and five already when I was busy
working on slave species of God discovery of some deep mysterious
secrets or past of human history and and that is that money did not exist in
ancient times as some people may imagine but we really didn't really give much
thought to it and I started to investigate the origins of money and
whether it might come from how did it suddenly appear where did it appear and
I found that what I believed to be true about money was not necessarily so and
the fact that I discovered that there was a specific time in history where
money suddenly appears as a complete and finished idea and philosophy and the
tool of enslavement that was imposed at a specific history at a specific point
in our history imposed as an ideology and a tool of enslavement and that then
led to the philosophy of the contribution ISM what would a world
without money look like Howard things work if we didn't have money and and I
started exploring that philosophy and that idea and discovered that African
philosophy of Ubuntu was pretty much that kind of lifestyle where even lived
in harmonious communities looking after each other caring for each other loving
each other and and supporting each other instead of living in divided communities
in fear of each other the way we find ourselves today and I started to develop
this this philosophy called Ubuntu contribution ISM which then also grew
into a political movement as you it was actually your fault because you
suggested that to me in 2009 I think and another very interesting journey of
discovery to go into politics and only to rediscover what not to do and on an
incredible explosion of support fully able to movement and the philosophy of
contribution ISM around the world that in many ways took me away from our
research of the ancient ruins and the stone circles and Adams calendar and all
that and and because it just demanded so much time and effort and energy and it
was about a year and a half ago that our there I realized that after we balanced
my life and and bring back the balance of the research and the awareness of the
stone circles and and and the ancient ruins and what I call them vanished
civilizations of southern Africa because with that comes the very important
knowledge and discovery of advanced ancient technology which I presented
without any shadow of doubt to the world and we can talk a lot more about that so
right now where we are working with the Abunda movement which is growing
exponentially we have representatives and national coordinators in several
countries and more and more coming on board all the time
at one stage we had 62 countries that that people put up their hands to be
coordinators for or there weren't a movement that was obviously unmanageable
for me because they really badly funded organization I Drive it myself mostly
with my partner and and and I started to to spend more and more time in the last
year especially in spending more time on their research and the stone circles
which has brought a lot of joy back into my life because I must admit that the
Abunda movement took a lot of energy and a lot of effort and and almost killed me
I must say I got quite sick at some time I got well I thank you Michael it's you
know it's lovely to hear all of that and I have to say and I'm just kind of
adjusting my have a a very bright window behind me which is really bad you
know for the lighting and all that kind of stuff so I just wanted to say that
it's it's great to hear about what you've been doing and I I'm sure that
the Ubuntu movement was extremely difficult to kind of get off the ground
and on a certain level but it's kind of a re-education of people understanding
kind of the principles and I before we get into everything else I if you
wouldn't mind explaining because I think it's really wonderful when you talk
about how working together how that we as humans as creators we create
basically plenty and so we will have there's something you've written this in
your book I know and you're better better to explain all of it so can you
explain how that works how that you go from from actually some people think oh
you're gonna have you know that's we're based in a scarcity were a world of
scarcity but that's not true actually no that's not at all true the fact actually
is quite staggering when you start exploring this and I really would
recommend that everyone that watches this goes on their own little journey of
discovery because when I started doing this in 2005 it became the most
unbelievable exciting journey of discovery to work and process through
what would happen if we removed money from the system what would happen to our
world how would we do things and what I. Realized very quickly is that when we
remove money from society things improve very very quickly things improve for the
better and not for the worse and we create a community and environment of
abundance instead of scarcity it is a completely
opposite to what people what money does to money remember money is a tool of
control and enslavement so it is money and the corporate structures and the and
the the the socio-economic system that's been imposed on humanity it is created
the illusion of scarcity it's not there is no scarcity it's just that sort of
food and and resources and and technology and everything
it's gonna start to get controlled by corporations who released only as much
as people can consume and buy so so it's it's completely the other way around the
moment you remove money from the system you release the hurdle for people's
natural potential to create to invent to share and and and to explore and that's
the the incredible realization that are reached and and then obviously you have
to start to figure out well how do we implement that in a world today and
that's why in a second 12 years to get us to where we are today where we have a
very solid and a very strong plan of action and strategy which we call one
small town can change the world which has come out of a 12 year of evolution
of the philosophy evolving and getting stronger and getting bigger and and
endless and reinventing itself all the time learning from the political arena
and learning from all our collective experiences of all they're booked to
members and and people that there are cross paths with over the last 12 years
and and this has been the incredible journey to realize how completely it is
a living philosophy though into philosophy so living philosophy that
keeps strengthening itself the more problems you throw at it the more it
solves the problems and represents it as a solution for the people by the people
of the people and therefore it cannot ever be brought down because it's not my
idea so my we had crazy ideas by some left-wing you know liberalist or
whatever that was change the world that's not that at all it's it's a
philosophy that keeps strengthening itself and and I would recommend that
anyone watches this please go online and a quickest way to get to the Nitty
Gritty of it is to watch the one the one small town you can change the world
video it's only about four or five minutes long and just go to youtube and
put in one small town can change the world and you'll see there's about two
or three different versions of it one is a shorter version one is well a longer
version with an introduction but it actually does present the full plan of
Acts how we can take a small town and use
that small town as a an example of turning that small town from a place of
misery or everything is failing there people losing their jobs factories are
closed in farms are standing I'd no one better has any hope for the future and
how we can take that and turn it around in virtually no time into a place of
abundance and prosperity and the simple the simplest most important thing that
we do is that we start to cooperate and collaborate instead of compete against
each other there are several other things obviously that we do at the same
time one of the things is that we bring in our source of energy our source of
electricity and this is not some weird crazy idea that we're gonna you know
we're gonna still have to invent it we have a source of electricity we have an
energy partner that can has the capacity and can provide electricity for the one
small town anything from one megawatt up to 200 megawatts and this electricity
partner is a well-established well recognized and well-known inventor and
and has agreed to do this we'll be able to movement as the mayor's the conscious
mayor's decide to take this path and change the destiny for their town and
their people and themselves at the same time but if we would not have reached
this point Carey unless I went into politics as you suggested in 2009 when I
went into politics thinking with a with a bleeding heart that we have to inject
the Beast of all the the virus of consciousness we have to invest inject
the virus of consciousness into the political beast so we can change the
political beast and and and I spent four years in the political arena in South
Africa UK Canada even USA we tried it a little bit and then Australia as well
and even in Germany we were going to try it and then between South Africa the UK
and Australia we realized that it is not the way to go but we can talk more about
that what about the listeners and we learn from the different things well I
yeah that sounds fascinating and we could be here all afternoon
so I you know it I wanted to know you say you have an electricity partner at
this time and I know that it started its going around the world now so what is
you know there is that free energy component that that I think you were
working on and I don't know there were some interesting experiences around that
as I recall and you know part of the problem here is if you have a push back
it's because the system that's already in place finds a you know people
withdrawing from that system and relying on each other as a threat so that's what
you're really working against so you're not working in a in a vacuum where you
just create a great idea and then people live accordingly it's you're working
sort of in essence having to be a resistance against the system at the
same time as creating a new system and I. Know it's like a new old system but
nonetheless it's people have to have people have been taught to distrust each
other so this is a system where trust is is
integral to it and and also just understanding for people to understand
that free energy is if it was to be released to the public and people were
allowed to use it which they are not now in fact inventors are have been killed
in the past and and they've been you know pushed to the side and and stopped
from releasing this information out there but the closer we get to any kind
of disclosure there's no doubt that they're going to realize that the secret
space program has been using free energy to get their their rockets whatever you
know they're actually craft out of the system and jumping through portals etc
etc so this energy which is being utilized in the in this underground this
deep state as it's called by a lot of people now is very very much
accessible however it's not being allowed so you're you're having to do
your system excluding that caution I would imagine unless you have
figured out a way to use it without getting shutting shut down can you talk
about that yes that's very important the reason I believe that a single inventor
or or an inventor with a small sort of free energy device and has not released
his or her product onto the market is is very simple because most people that
invent small energy devices want to sell it and and make billions out of it and
so forth they have very few inventors that actually want to make their
invention available and and put it out on the internet and let everybody
download it and make it for themselves but that's actually been what they have
learnt a movement what I've been promoting and proposing to inventors and
especially people that have great and free energy devices I've been saying it
very openly for many years now saying if you've invented something put it on the
internet share it with everybody because it will come back to you in ways that
you cannot possibly imagine it has not happened yet and I'm now starting to
understand because of the journey and the past that I've walked through
the politics through you know traveling many countries talking about it one - in
contribution is amid a new social structure free from the constraints of
money I'm now starting to realize why that has not happened and and it's very
simple for me by now at the stage is because if everybody had access to a
free energy device that they could buy on the internet that's gonna cause more
bloodshed and more division and more chaos than anyone could possibly imagine
and very quickly the haves will utilize that opportunity to use that technology
for their benefit and shut out all those that on afford it and if you have an
energy device and your neighbor doesn't already a grading division so the free
energy device is not going to bring a solution to the world's problems it's
gonna cause more chaos more bloodshed more division and those those elite with
with ill intent will have uses situation for their own benefit at the expense of
everybody this is why it's taken us and they went
to movement and and the evolution of our of the philosophy that has created grown
itself brought us to this point in time we're already in 2016 2014 already in South Africa when I ran
for president and then again 2016 when we decided that we can't go for the head
we're never gonna win an election at a national level or a government level
it's just not gonna happen because it's completely and utterly control the
elections are control the outcomes are control they know exactly which party is
gonna get how many votes but this is what I learned in 2014 and in 2016 I
realized okay we're not gonna go for the head but we're gonna go where it matters
most we're gonna try and win and we still believe that we can put we could
good with politics and with elections so in the 2016 elections last year in
August we went for one small town but we were trying to win just one small
municipality in South Africa already on the one small town banner where we
decided we'll go for the heel and not the head and then go for that what I
call the Achilles heel approach where one tiny little town one tiny
municipality will change the way the entire system works because the moment
we a successful word that one small town it will automatically expand to all the
others because all the other people will want that same kind of success which
they are being denied off and we realize that even at the low level in politics
even trying to win a small a small municipality in the political elections
that didn't happen either and and I. Don't want too much time on that now
because there various reasons why it didn't happen and I realized then is
that as long as we're in politics we remain a tool and an instrument of
division and opposition and conflict and we don't want to do that we don't want
to be imposing anyone resisting anyone or being in conflict with anyone that is
an old paradigm kind of way of thinking we're not a new paradigm we co-creating
a new reality and the abundant movement must be with the philosophy of
contribution ISM must be seen at all times as a movement that unites people
and unifies people and brings them together
and allows them to co-create a beautiful future of abundance and prosperity and
we realized that we can do that without being involved in politics after what we
learned by simply going after the mayors of the small towns mayors are often
elected they're not necessarily representatives of the political party
or the regime that is in power and mayors are often truly real human beings
and if we can find a conscious mayor and let the mayor implement our one small
town strategy that's it we don't need to be involved in politics we can talk to
any man who is aligned with any political party and we do not have to be
seen as a threat or an opposition so that's in a nutshell twelve years of
evolution of learning realized how we use the tools of enslavement as tools of
liberation and that carry is the most beautiful twisted burden justice and
anyone nobody could have ever imagined that money and the greed of capitalism
are going to be the tools that undo the current system and destroys it okay well
I appreciate that and I I am wondering what have you found such a person you
know because obviously there they are also going to be at the control of the
system and so I don't know your you know the status of what you're doing and I
know that other countries you know you say there are 60 countries where they're
attempting to create this kind of a a noose a new way of living let I you know
let's call it and so I'm wondering can you report on the status of your own
efforts in this area and then also if you get feedback from these other
countries where people are attempting to do this I am not even sure if it's a
citywide really any cities involved because the word city might you know
sort of preclude it being a jurisdiction of the state so to speak so in other
words this may be a community that has to go to some degree off grid
I'm not sure how you're determining that and whether or not that's you know in
other words it has to be off-grid or it can work in sort of connection with the
grid but you know in a different way like if you decide to use solar pallet
power as opposed to not and that sort of thing so could you talk you know for at
least a short while as to the status of have you found such a mayor has anyone
else found such a mayor and are they able to operate in any form of fashion
and can you use a city designation or do you have to actually use what is in
essence not a city not not a you know even a town you know some you know what
people would say a small community within a city right this is really
that's a very important question it's a big question with lots of components to
it so I want to come back to just to to say that it's called the one small town
can change the world very specifically the emphasis on town and after a lot of
juggling we we arrived at a at a number of about 5,000 people being the right
size of town anything between five and ten thousand people would be a size of
town that can be manageable and can achieve this and create an example of a
great success story that can then create a domino effect all the other towns now
to do this we need to find a mayor that is conscious that gets it and we have
funks which you may already so I'll talk more about that so if people hang on
this is this is really important we're not just talking about it we are now
actually doing it we have one mayor and we have several other mayor's in various
countries that are talking to me all ready to start putting plans in place to
implement the one small town strategy this is why it's really it's an idea
whose time has come mayors all over the world are desperate
they don't know what to do and know their towns a falling apart and
they have no solutions if they carry on thinking the same way they think they've
been thinking all these years and this is why our plan of action is such a
breath of fresh air for them because we come completely from from a different
perspective and bring abundance from investment from technology from
healthcare from growing of food from people skills etc I'll talk more about
that as well to the town without the mayor having to spend any money without
the mayor having to do anything the whole thing falls into place on its own
this is why it's important that we do this in a town and we call the town the
community and I also want to stress at this stage that we do not promote the
establishment of intentional communities as you alluded to and we might have to
do it somewhere away from a town we've learned but at great cost and and
personal trauma and drama and misery and tears that intentional communities do
not work you speak to anyone anywhere in the world that has attempted to create
an intentional community on their farm or a piece of land somewhere it is a
mess of unimaginable proportion and then can you explain why is that now I I can
I can you know extrapolate in my own mind but I think other people also may
question this in other words there are communities out there and there they're
people creating communities all the time you know it's it's it's almost like an
instinct I would say in in times are are rather rather tough and the United
States is no exception we're you know we're entering very tough
times in fact civil war is is probably at our gates at this moment so what the
what people you know their reaction their natural instinctive reaction is to
you know band together to find like-minded people to want to create a
community I mean this sounds like your town but it sounds like maybe the town
is a middle step that still interacts with the greater whole it is this what
you're saying it's the withdrawal from the whole then he comes you become a
target and that sort of thing no you I.
Don't think you're gonna become a target
and there's a very specific reason for that as well that I'll come to because
in essence well I might as well just pull the beans here because if the
moment I'm tired come to success the way that I'm
alluding to here is we then become an example of a capitalist success a little
town has become incredibly wealthy incredibly successful in growing food in
being self-sustaining having its own source of electricity technology health
care curing cancer you're in creating new technology new materials a town in
which all of these things are possible which are not possible anywhere else
suddenly this is all happening in this little town because we've chosen to do
this with the with the guidance of the mayor and the support of the people so
it's a top-down bottom-up approach and this is why it creates a very balanced
toroidal effect from the so called political structure or the leader of the
the chosen or appointed authority of the town and the people from the bottom it's
a perfectly balanced system that we creating here and that cannot go wrong
and we can talk about that as well why they have built-in protection mechanisms
automatically the moment you start this process and so you become a shining
example of capitalist success and yet you creating a platform which in which
money is no longer needed this is why I. Said it's such an incredible verdict
just as in its in its twist twist of the bodhi justice so what we what I realize
is that while there may be several great examples of communities you know around
the world that have been there for decades and they have not had an impact
on the world and this is very important to recognize these are just saw
sustained communities that have big walls and boundaries around them and
it's like us as us and we look after ourselves and spear everybody else so
it's not a solution for the world it's it does not threaten or does not bring
down the current system in any way what the one small town does it brings down
the current system because it allows other communities to do the same through
they appointed leadership they mayor their town councils and that then
becomes the appointed chosen path taken by the appointed leaders through the
current political system which is this is how you inject the virus into the
beast without getting involved in politics and and that's why it's such a
beautiful story and a beautiful think that we can visualize and imagine
and co-create ourselves and and the other thing is that you realize very
quickly that we don't need to find a piece of land and go and build homes and
put in plumbing and sewage and all that and build barns and the communities
already exist they call towns and villages everything is there all the
infrastructure is there everything you imagine is there all we need to do is
let the people imagine a different way of co-creating and coexisting and
collaborating and cooperating instead of competing against each other in their
own little tiny towns and tiny villages people still competing against each
other for everything insane all right so can you use an example of one thing in
other words you know if it does this exist yet in South Africa and and have
you put it into practice or do you have one area of life within that town that
takes into account these philosophies is utilizing them and at the same time is
able to maybe not use money to such a degree or something you know in other
words is there a working model at the moment no there isn't a working model
because if there was a working model everybody would be doing it so this is
what we busy doing it says wow it's been a long and very painful at times journey
to get to this point and and not to be stuck down the tunnel of you know this
and that and and it comes all the time distractions come with you all the time
and and it's really important to focus on this because it is through this
philosophy that is now only about two years old that we use the tools of
enslavement as tools of liberation and that is so powerful carry that is just
the moment people start realizing how powerful that is it's like martial arts
you know we use money for so many years we've been opposing money how money is
the problem in the world so we instinctively unnatural reaction so we
gotta oppose money we got to do things without money and live without money
it's not going to work and we try that we tried I tried
I did that here we started a whole bunch of projects we got people involved and
volunteers and let me tell you it is a nightmare of unbelievable proportion it
does not work because you never have enough you never have enough money to do
anything you're constantly depending on
contributions and donations and all that and that's when I realize that stop
opposing the system but it took 12 years to figure this out and now once you
start would you realize that we have to use those tools of its labor and use the
money use the corporate structures use the hierarchical system use the use
everything that was created to enslave us but we change one thing and we change
the competition element into cooperation of collaboration so that when we do use
the money and we set up industry and we set up healing centers and Technology
and factories or whatever it is growing food we do it collaboratively and
incorporation together for each other not working as slaves or corporations or
government departments of of businesses as slaves that pay us that the news what
we create and produce to sell to ourselves so that is the tiny little
finger returning okay so when we grow food we grow food for ourselves not for
a corporation or for the government we grow it for ourselves when we great
supercomputers with great supercomputers for ourselves and so our little town
through setting up many of these kind of structures whether it's building
supercomputers are growing unimaginable amounts of food whatever we don't use we
then sell to the outside community and it's that excess that we create that
brings in the money in huge amounts of money into our little town if you can
just imagine if we set up as a municipality supported by the people if
we set up a hundred businesses in our town and each business makes half a
million dollars a month because we've got 10,000 people giving three hours
each every week and that's the fundamental that's the foundation really
it's called contribution ISM everybody contributes a little bit of time so if
everybody contributes three hours a week towards the system everybody's not three
hours a week first of all you've got a very
automatic and natural transition phase that you don't have to start the
transition phase to stop doing something and everybody has to start doing
something else so you very naturally move into a transitional phase we bring
in our own electricity device we implement that electricity system if
everything for everybody that contributes three hours a week the first
benefit they get is free electricity as it is now our electricity we not only
have to pay somebody else for that so the electricity platform and it brings
me back to that very important thing suddenly the electricity becomes a
platform of unification it unites the people because everybody gets free
electricity not just those who have money and you get free electricity by
simply contributing three hours a week to one of the community projects then we
decide we're gonna start whether it's growing food creating a health center
creating new technology new materials whatever it is not suddenly you got a
labor force of 30,000 hours a week you can you know how much you can do with
that kind of labor force so our little small town is going to create so much
stuff that we can never use it all up so we're gonna be selling a lot of stuff
and that's where that the the flow of money comes into our town so we're not
suggesting that we create an intentional community without the use of money we're
saying we're gonna make so much money in our town that we're gonna be the
wealthiest little town anyone has ever seen but we don't need to pay for
anything because everything we do is free to ourselves as we doing it for
ourselves I grab food in your garden do you charge
yourself for the food of course not so if we love food as a community do we
charge ourselves for the food that we grow as a community of course not but we
charge the other people when we sell the food that we don't use and that's where
the money comes into our town so we use the tools of enslavement as tools of
liberation on every possible level okay okay well that's a very good explanation
and I think people will resonate with the possibilities there so because we
have limited time and and I I do want to be able to also go into
you know what what is Adams calendar and the stone circles and why there are
significant and how this also you know reaches into the technologies that
people eventually could be using in these communities and around the world
and there's so many wonderful things that you've found out about in your
investigations as an explorer which has to do you know with sound the use of
sound and and the magnatron aspects certainly the portal the creation of a
portal and the energies in in the various circles etc so can you talk
about you you know in it in whatever way because I know there it's a it's kind of
a huge topic as well but can you talk about you know where you're at with it
now and and some of these things that you have come across in your
investigations that really change the paradigm as for people understanding you
know ley lines and how they interact with this the stone circles why the
stone circles are so important in South Africa and and so on yeah thanks Gary it
is it's important and just to remind everybody that's watching this that
there weren't movement evolved out of that research so it's inextricably
connected you can't separate the two the one philosophy comes out of a deeper
exploration of human origins the strange stuff has been going on in the past that
we know very little about and learning from that and connecting the dots from
the ancient past to see how we can make sense of the insane world we live in
today and that's generally what I talk about in my presentations so just to
finish on the on the one small town issue is to answer the question you
posed earlier have we got a community or two small town and the answer is yes a
first small town that we have a mayor that is officially now adopted it is the
Canadian town called North Frontenac mayor Ron Higgins has become a global
star already he's receiving thousands of emails of support from people all over
the world he's become a hero to hundreds of
thousands of people already and he's the first mayor that has actually taken this
and when he presented the one small-town strategy in a live Facebook presentation
to the world it was adopted unanimously by the town council so it is it is a
huge moment in history that that this has happened since then I've been
approached by mayor's in the USA and we've got several mayor's in the USA
we've got a mayor in Australia that I. Spoke to two days ago we've got several
mayor's in the UK that are waiting to talk to me this thing is already
creating a domino effect just by us loading it into them into that more for
genetic field we are we're actually as we speak we are co-creating this and
that is the power of co-creation I've never seen that more incredibly
presented as the simple idea that in less than one year manifested into a
reality because we launched the one small town strategy I launched it was
there one small town video in January 2017 and by July 2017 he was a 7th of
July outside of Toronto Canada I had my meeting of Mayor Ron Higgins at which he
told me he's going to implement this come hell or high water so it was seven
months that it took to implement this and actually manifest this idea it's
wonderful yeah absolutely well very happy to hear that so so let's come back
to where this all started and that's what you brought to the to the table now
and to the discussion and that's the stone circles and the ruins of southern
Africa and you know it's funny how your journey takes you on on the path of
discovery sure and and mine is like everybody else you know I'm on this
journey of discovery and I'm just I just followed the river of life and that's
the one thing that I've learned and sometimes you kick and scream and shout
and you want to go there but the river is going here and you realize that you
can't beat it and if you do go that way it's going to be very difficult and
tough and eventually you gonna have to come back because it is a river of life
and and it's only recently there are really
what a big deal this discovery of the vanished civilization in South Africa is
it is a it is much more a bigger deal than I imagined for the last you know
eight years or so because it remains that the circles and the ancient ruins
and the vanished civilizations of southern Africa remain and is the
largest collection of stone ruins of any way on earth it's quite spectacular
we have more than 10 million stone structures and often clustered together
that cover entire mountains that run for hundreds of kilometres never stopped you
seen it from a helicopter you know what I'm talking about yes I just recently
had a German - a group here and it was this was the first two group that that
actually booked a helicopter ride and I'll never forget when when the pilot
picked me up in the first first group of five people we went up in the helicopter
and I showed the pilot way to fly and his eyes nearly popped out of his head
he said oh my god I can't believe this I've been flying here forever and I've
never realized that that this is something special said yes this is this
is this is all one giant ancient civilization as far as you eye can see
this guy was so blown away that he wants to come back and bring other people now
to show them these ruins from the air because it's only when you fly fly above
in the helicopter that you really see the expanse and the extent of it and
that it never ends even though on the ground it might seem that it's it's not
there it is there just colored by soil and sand of hundreds of thousands of
years of activity whether it's the great floods
whether it's farming activity whether it's town building or Road building
these this ancient civilization that vast parts of South Africa and Zimbabwe
so it's a big deal because we know very little about this civilization that's
why it's such a big deal and I also believe that it is a very day that there
is some very strong clues that connect these to the activities of the Anunnaki
on earth in ancient times and even in in quite recent times as far as maybe 10 or
12 thousand years ago there's a strong possibility that we might have an
an anarchic burial ground here one of the younger uh nanaki's Dumuzi which
which claims to have been said to have mean Enki's youngest son
Anke they're one of the anunnaki leadership or leaders or elders or
whatever you want to call them and and and the muzie was his youngest son and
it's quite possible that at Adams calendar that the MU Z is actually
buried right there under what we call the stone altar tree growing out of it
you've been there you know what I'm talking about
yes so there's just so much spectacular evidence that the Anunnaki were here
that they were most likely responsible for setting up this this vast
civilization here or these stone structures and it's got something to do
with mining gold but I'm also beginning to think that it has got far more I
guess staggering possible activities like I'm beginning to think it is the
past several years I've been thinking that many of these stone ruins were
actually created for a cloning cloning of human beings and the new species of
the lunar mellow and also or geo forming or creating of an atmosphere enriching
the atmosphere with oxygen and and many other activities I think the stone
circles and the class certain clusters of the stone circles sometimes take on
slightly different shapes and forms would it may have had different purposes
and different action or different activities that they were results that
they were causing and I even recently thought about the fact that they were
possibly using water to do something with water and possibly sucking the
water out of the rivers and doing something with the water in the stone
circles because there's no reason why no other reason why some of their channels
have connected science circles together run straight down the mountain into a
river and end in a river so there's great mysteries here
and the Venice civilization of Southern Africa's has opened a door to very
exciting explorations right what I'm doing here is I'm actually showing
people a little bit of the footage of the South Africa and the and I wanted to
show them the helicopter flight if I can while while you're talking just because
I think that would be fun for them to see and and so that that's what somebody
because I don't ya know I mean it's all good I I don't know if all I guess this
is an inset of the the helicopter flight here on the screen
not sure if it's it's going to broadcast properly but we we covered the
helicopter flight we covered what was is the tree for people that are watching
this right now you might be able to see Michael talking to this was a scientist
Michael talked to but basically this tree is where you think the mozi his his
remains maybe if you remember it's the the special tree that's out there and
again you know this is the there are many reasons why I say this in my own
research that related to that conclusion and then also very interesting
information that I got from crater mucho Baba credit which wahoos really old and
sick at the stage and and I sent him a lot of love and and a lot of healing
because he's had a tough life and and I. Hope the time that he spends in this ROM
is going to be useful and and painless and I thought hakuna mutata
told me a lot of stuff as you know and she had a lot of information with me in
the time that I spent with him and and one of the bits of information was that
there was an important ancient king buried under the tree and also under
under the stones and that that stone altar was used as a
place of ceremony and ritual or a long long time for thousands of years and
even in the modern times when kratom Bhutto was initiated at Adams calendar
in 1937 and and then went back there several times for doing ceremony and
rituals walking down the the ritual baths and the ceremonial path that he
pointed out to me that they had to walk down and do perform specific ceremonies
and different rituals of different places and told me that the baths went
from Adams calendar all the way up to the stone altar where ceremony was held
to commemorate and give honor to the important ancient King and when I asked
him well what King is it you know he just smiled and didn't tell me and it
took several at least another year or so and another return to try to ask him did
you mean that it was would it be Dumuzi Enki's youngest son and he just smiled
and said yes that's who he believes that's what he was taught that it is it
is doom Uzis brave so this phenomenal history here and deep
hidden history there was removed from human and psyche and by by those that
have written the modern day history books and and we are rediscovering it
and for me one of the most exciting parts of this discovery was the
technology that I stumbled upon but sheer luck an accident I have no idea
that I was discovering modern advanced technology when I started collecting
that the tourist stones or the doughnut shaped stones and also the cone shaped
tools and the ringing stones that are shown in my Museum their videos all over
the internet me showing the ringing stones and the cone shaped tools very
important and now it is they have become the center of attraction by likely by a
growing group of scientists and researchers around the world that are
started to realize that the torus stones and the cone-shaped tools together give
us probably a centerpiece of very advanced
technology that was used by the ancient civilizations creating toroidal fields
sound and magnetic toroidal fields with which they could pretty much do anything
they chose and then being able to focus those sound frequencies and magnetic
fields specifically sound frequencies into the cone-shaped tools that then
resolves in creating a sazar beam shoots out the tip of the cone creating a very
very well you can hear my dogs absolutely well you know it is
fascinating when you get into the technology and what what the stone
circles are really embody and and all the possibilities there and so I think
you know what you discovered in terms of the sound in the stones and how that can
be utilized is is vital information I.
Would also think there was also the what
do you call it the magnetron so you know you know what a lot of people maybe I
think don't know what a magnetron is they maybe don't necessarily understand
that that's sort of a scientific term if you will but the magnetron is is can
actually be quite a destructive device if used as a weapon so this is you know
it's important obviously any kind of technology if you use it in the negative
way can be used as a weapon or in a positive way can enhance life really so
it can you describe that that phenomenon that these stone circles are in the
shape of magnetrons natural you know crew being created purposely as
magnetrons can you talk about that yeah so so first of all thanks for bringing
it up because I'll forget about it you know I've been talking about it for so
many years I forget about some the key components of what it is that
was discovered here and and the magnetron was was a very key discovery
but before the magnetron even popped up I started to look at the the stone
circles from the aerial photographs as you know and started to realize that
they very strange shapes that each one is completely unique they connected by
these channels they look like little pass the roads have connects them
together they have no doors and entrances that's really important some
people that still think that they were built by humans for what do as dwellings
or people or cattle or animals no you're mistaken because the original structures
have no doors and entrances and and this is why we can conclude that there were
not builders dwellings there was something else and much later when they
were discovered by more recent tribes and migrating tribes or arrivals from
other parts of the world people started using these original stone structures
and using them as dwellings of course and then they would create goals and
entrances and turn them into dwellings for themselves or animals and this way
you get the confusion come in and our modern historians and archaeologists
just have no idea because they can't imagine the civilization advanced
technology hundreds of thousands of years ago because it's not written in
the history books for their curriculum that they studied at university so it
just creates a perpetual this information that then gets shared
but the magnatron thing I came to after realizing that each stone circle is
really a cymatic pattern each stone circle is a representation of the sound
frequency that comes out of the earth at that specific point and and this is why
each one is completely unique and and this is how brilliant this technology is
it's so simple and yet so brilliant we know that the earth rings like a bell
the earth gives off frequency all the time it rings all the time never stops
ringing so whoever built it with a sign or not healed somebody before them or
who knows they knew that sound is the source of
creation that sound manifests magnetic fields and so moving moving sound Kretz
magnetic fields moving magnetic fields creates electricity so they in a
nutshell you got the sequence of crash sound magnetism and the rest follows and
so what these guys knew is that if they just could harness the sound as it comes
out of the earth and amplify it and turning it into magnetic fields they
would create electromagnetic fields and create whatever energy sources they
wanted to extract out of it so by identifying a sound at a specific place
and then backing the rocks along that cymatic pattern when you take sand and
put sand on a metal plate and put a sound frequency through it every sound
frequency has a very specific shape and it's called a cymatic pattern was the
somatic shape of that sound that that you are listening to and and this is
exactly what they did so they could they knew how to identify the sound frequency
coming out of the earth at that point they would then place the stones exactly
on the cymatic patterns which would then magnify and enhance the sound through
the courts in the stones so it is the silica in the course that actually then
acts as advanced technology just like we use quartz and silica advanced
technology today they were using it hundreds of thousands of years ago the
great free electricity under the sound of the earth that was like Nikola Tesla
that I believe pretty much Tesla did what these guys are doing hundreds of
thousands of years ago and so once I. Realized that the Sun with the the stone
circles a cymatic patterns and then I. Looked at some of the stone the stone
structures and it was actually an email that I got from an electrical engineer
that said to me listen I've just looked at your book and I see some of those
stone circles look just like magnetrons have you considered that these could
actually be could have been graded as magnetrons and I went back an hour and
oh my god this guy is absolutely and then we suddenly realized that many of
the strand structures are beautiful you can you've seen them from the air
yourself Kerry yeah it looks like beautiful flower patterns they look like
flowers and that's exactly what a magnet for a look slide back a little flower
shape with these six petals around it sometimes eight petals and then a casing
outer casing and then a channel that runs down
down on the bottom out of it where the Y's normally run out and there you got
your magnetron and here we have thousands of giant magnetrons pulled out
of quartz out of stone very very rich in quartz and and these magnetrons would
generate an imaginable amount of power when they are active and in full stative
of activity and in fact I'm asked to Negatron scientists about how much power
these magnetrons will put out and one was in Glastonbury and one was in
Boulder Colorado and they both told me that a magnetron that size about 30
meters or 40 meters in diameter would generate more energy than all the power
plants on earth today I don't know if I've lost you and but since sorry sorry
I just got had something I had to deal with hear it in my house so absolutely
and I have to say that again this technology is is really really fabulous
and I think you're quite right about Tesla I think that in essence it's not
like he wasn't reinventing the wheel he was simply perhaps even on a psychic
level borrowing from the what had always been utilized on the earth ages ago and
you know I'm sure as a soul he had been here more than once and he it has said
he had some et contact as well this is where it gets to you know also the
notion of the Anunnaki and the offworld civilization that came here to the
planet and of course there are many many visitations by various beings etc and
the the Anunnaki part is a really fascinating part of course and this is
what your one of your books is about and I I do want to say that there is a
genetic that happened during the time of the
anunnaki that was very crucial in actually changing the trajectory of
humanity as it happens in some negative definite negative ways but also possibly
positive ways and we are overcoming some of those what we call frequency fences
at this time that they put in to to the mental sort of framework of humanity and
so on there's also the reptilian aspect that is very strong and I think I do
think that Adam's calendar is the one aspect where as I think you've
investigated very well the stone circles I think Adams calendar may be the one
area where it's the mystery is is more is deeper and that you haven't really
agree with you being able to tap into all the potentiality there and you know
there's pyramids in the distance I was showing that on the screen just a little
while ago that you know you're aware of down in the valley and and this is Adams
calendar is a very spectacular beautiful place and I'm sorry that it hasn't
become a worldwide Monument you know that people can visit like the pyramids
etc because it has that the potential to be that as you appreciate right yeah
it's a look it's it's growing and I also wouldn't want it to become like
Stonehenge it's in a beautiful pristine nature and and I think for that reason
it reminds of the of the beaten track so it's good I like it that way well I
think there's there is that reason but I. Just have to say you know in my line of
work the way I would view it though is is it's it's it's such a powerful place
and it in essence it is I believe you know a portal obviously as sort of a
time-traveling portal and I think it has been used by that as that in the past
and the shape of this you know the circular very magnificent
structure and and and the stones and the fact that it keeps time in a certain way
seasons and so on so there's a lot there and and my sense as a you know psychic
whatever you want to call that my intuitive sense is that there is under
the ground you know in a massive part of that structure that is undiscovered at
this time so I think this may in part in other words places that contain power
they the powers that be always want to take over and and sort of put into their
own sort of purposes and it may be that as you say it's it's been secluded it's
been kind of kept off the grid but it's it's probably because of its power that
the real reason is rised and you know you know the story of the what we call
the stone man or the the standing stone that was removed in 1992 I was fortunate
enough to get photographs of that standing stone from the head of the
photographic Department of the Praetorian diversity that used to go
there in the eighties and photograph the place not knowing that it was a place of
high significance so we know that that stone actually belongs there
we also have Christo the guy that does the horse trails down that actually saw
the stone eighth-place and so then the day that they removed it so we know that
the stone was taken from Adams calendar and removed and then brought back two
years later to put a plaque on it to commemorate the opening of the blue
swallow Nature Reserve it's a it's a real twisted interesting way that you
know how we nearly lost a very important part of the calendar and it was somehow
saved and and somehow we got to get it back I'm not sure how that's gonna
happen but I I some angels tell me that one born he will wake up and
miraculously the stones are gonna be back in a place that was taken out of
and I'm looking forward to it okay Wow no that's that's amazing so I hope that
that does occur it is a stunning stunning place and and I hope that
people I wish that people would be able to visit it but I
understand that logistically it's quite difficult well it's it's it's it's it's
it's a hike you can like that but you know we take our full bar force we can
take anything up to 20 maybe 30 people there at a time anything more gets too
crazy and so we I do organize to us as you know I prefer smaller tools of maybe
10 or 12 people and that's it and not to desecrate the place and destroy it but
also just to remind those that are not aware of it it's not just you know I
called it Adams calendar in 2008 when I.
Wrote the book when when I was first
introduced to it by Johann Heine who discovered it all who rediscovered it by
accident and you know we've got a also great gratitude to Johan Heiner for
having the vision and the eyes to see it and realize it's a place of significance
without if he hadn't seen it or discovered it that we would not be here
talking about it and and and then after that and I started doing more and more
research in my own work on it I started now spoke to Crane and which one quite a
burst into tears when I showed him they had his calendar book and and he
said he never thought he'd see that special place again and that's when he
told me he was initiated in 1937 and it's a very important place it's one of
the most sacred places on earth and he also mentioned circular hills in
Botswana where I've been several times now and we going again in March and our
sacred sites too and and we referred to Adams calendar as in Zambia Lanka or
birthplace of the Sun where humanity was created by the gods to be the slaves and
the gold mines so it's not something that that is not known by African
shamans it is the history of humanity and Anunnaki intervention or
interference and manipulation of humanity and the DNA is is well known
among ancient knowledge keepers of ancient knowledge and African shamans as
it is known by the shamans around the world and here we are with a site which
is Sibley where some of the genetic
manipulation actually occurred and that is quite spectacular absolutely so in
terms of you know again we've been going for a while and I want to look into the
chat and encourage people to ask you questions on any of the topics we're
covering here but you did say that you had quite some experiences over the last
few years and in many years I actually have been to Adams calendar I think if I
count right even four times and I spoke in South Africa a number of times and we
went on tours there and so on so it was really a delight and thank you again
Michael for hosting me and making all of that possible
all those years ago and so at this time is there any topic that or experience
from the past that you want to cover and then while you're talking I will look
into the chat and see if there's any direct questions that people would like
answered my my greatest joy is that the discoveries and the depths of the
discoveries seemed endless it just gets more mysterious and deeper and more
amazing as time goes by you know the the the the significance of the realization
that of the significance of this discovery of the past vanished
civilization 10 million spent structures or more Adams calendar the powerful cool
it's it's a machine it's a powerful machine millions of
stone circles that a giant energy generating grid that generates
unimaginable amounts of energy all all of us together then you add the tourist
stones which will we've now measured and absolutely no doubt that these are
poloidal energy generating fields toroidal field total field energy
generating devices or tools and then the cone-shaped tools that are very powerful
tools especially what if you could know how to channel your thoughts or your
energy or your sound frequencies through your body and
to your hands you create phaser beams out of your hands with these cone-shaped
tools and to some people this might sound like I just near hopeless
pblicas nonsense but those would be the uninformed and uneducated or ill
informed people once they realize how powerful sound is and how we've had the
ability and how we've lost an ability and how we regaining that ability as
this knowledge starts to come back to us and as we start to reactivate our own
DNA okay now I'm getting a lot of questions here Michael's so so if I can
if you don't mind I'll I'll just ask you some of the questions that are cropping
up really quickly it was at this moment someone wants to know how do the stone
how can you activate the stone circles I. Said again how do you want how do you
activate the stone circles now you don't have to activate them they activated all
the time they they never stopped creating energy they they give us energy
all the time at the sound frequency that comes out of the earth vibrates the
stones and the silica in the stones France connects the sound and
frequencies and the sound starts to move and that moving sound through the stones
because sound doesn't stand still sound moves and that moving sound creates the
magnetic fields and then the magnetic fields move and they create the
electromagnetic fields which we've made it so it measures sound frequencies
incredibly high sound frequencies in the gigahertz coming out of the walls and
what we actually in essence measure is this the the sound coming moving between
the quartz crystals in the in the stones the things I think when they are also
powerful electromagnetic fields coming out of the stone circles right but I
think what they kind of are hinting at is is the idea that it yes if humans get
into the circles and they begin to chant for example they're going to start a
sound wave that that will will go around and and also using those tools that you
that you're talking about the the I've the sphere Oriole you
the spirits you know there's yeah in other words it is possible to create
a magnetic field and the field resonance can then go from stone we were talking
about this at one point going from one stone circle to another in other words
it can jump it's quite quite amazing the possibilities and because these are like
magnetrons again you've got a wave of energy and so this it would be started
by the sound and even if you pound in a certain pattern using the sound you know
of one stone on another right these would be ways of activating it I think
in in the sense that how a human where it would interact with that right yes
and you know you've had the experience of what happens to your body when you're
going to have circles people and Adam's calendar people have their own personal
profound experiences that some people feel nothing and some people feel
extreme and I've seen effect on their body and they get emotional and dancing
lies it's like an amplification you know so it can if you meditate in the stones
for example it's going to amplify whatever it wherever you're at in your
head I also noticed my own experience was that some of the stone circles are
calming well other others of them wake you up and and don't allow you to relax
so to speak they're too stimulating so there's a there is a difference in the
in the shape of the circles because I'll eat each circle is has its own unique
sort of shape right and so it's the patterns of energy and how they affect
us yeah so what you just described there is really the use of frequency to
manipulate human emotion than human behavior exactly so the stone circles do
it automatically some of them make you aggressive some make you bastards and
make you excited so I'm gonna make you on asleep it was just a different
frequencies that you can two in that stone circle and I'm not
suggesting for for any at all that that why they were created I'm just
suggesting that it's a clear indication how frequency can be used to induce that
kind of behavioral change and mind control in humans and and people
experience it naturally when they go into some of the stone circles the
different if effects that they have that they experience and the other the other
thing carry that in case people have not heard us yet is the very important
I guess scientific evidence we can call it that that that the one Taurus stone
that I took nassim haramein in 2013 I. When I flew out from South Africa to
Chicago and when I went through Qatar Doha International Airport probably
owned the most advanced airports technologically advanced airports in the
world and I was called off the plane because the tourist owned in my bag
crashed the TSA security system and they delayed the takeoff of the plane because
they wanted to know what was in the bag of course such a severe whatever it was
that caused such havoc in the in the Security office oh right and that was
yeah that was a great reminder for me how powerful the stone is the torah'
stones are and that they are actually they create they create scale our
technology and and there was spectacular absolutely we can yeah I take it were
proving that the Torah stone is a real advanced technology yeah I think that
people don't realize actually that the power in stones in general and then
stones put in a certain pattern there's a reason why they're put into circles so
that gets into the whole vortex area the idea of a spiral the basic basic you
know in every sort of I guess indigenous culture uses the spiral is its basic
unit kind of creation if you will so that's very integral to this what we're
talking and if you get into free energy you're
talking about counter-rotating spheres going in spirals again so this is it
relates to free energy actually and it is a free energy device these circles
right Micah yeah exactly and this is a the Torah stones are just natural free
energy devices because what they do is they they suck the ambient sound and the
ambient noise into the center from both sides like imagine the doughnut shaped
stone and you got the doughnut shaped stone or the hole in the middle but they
do just like just like if you look at the image of our galaxy
it's a giant torus for those of what's thrive they'll see that beautiful image
it was created of the Galactic torus that's exactly the same thing so the
sound and the energy gets sucked into the into the center from both sides and
it spirals in and as it meets that's where it meets the zero points or the
more for genetic field enters the vacuum or the zero point and amplifies itself
through the stone and beyond the stone and does the same thing so the sound
frequency that career that's created by the physical stone actually creates a
scalar effect of sound waves that moved away
now some research is being done with us already and and a group of scientists in
in in the USA actually used one of the four stones and they trapped what seemed
to be waves moving away from the stone when they did experiments in water and
then froze the water and they found these bands of there's different energy
bands where the water froze differently so these frozen bags of water moving
away from the center of the stone and and that suggests that they that
indicates scale are waves moving away from from the stone try and by the sound
absolutely if it's there you know I. Think it's an area of research that's
very very rich and the is much more to be to be discovered
there and and I would say Michael you're one of the sort of pioneers in this area
at least on the play on the planet at this time even if indigenous cultures
really knew this even intuitively they understood the power of the stones
someone is asking how can I start Ubuntu in my small town of 300 where do I start
well thanks first of all thanks for that I would suggest first join if you're in
the USA or whatever country you are those join Ubuntu are the movement
online and then there so go onto our website and sign up said you on the
database and then the best thing that I.
Suggest is who we're about to launch a
new strategy for 2018 and that is a three point approach is one small town
one small farm stroke project and one small gathering so it's important that
people don't just go off and start doing crazy things want to be a hero
with not enough information how it works and how how how we present this so will
connect you to the people in your area we are gonna promote what we call the
regular meetup groups because that we believe is going to grow they went to
movement very quickly it's a one area we've we've been very bad on occurs
again badly funded you know mostly funded by me the sale of my books with
some donations and funding from people from all over the world but it's still
mostly funded by myself and we don't have much infrastructure and so forth so
this thing is growing and evolving organically as it can so one of our main
activities between the 18 to grow the movement organically and under control
without it going crazy and toppling itself is to create these meetup groups
and and that I think is a really important place for people to go to or a
very important activity because people everywhere when people find
and they discovered the able to movement it's like they discovered their
long-lost family of people that they can talk to and they can talk to openly
without fear of ridiculed or being laughed at and so forth so so this is
important and we need to grow this family and these meetup groups so we go
to a point hosts in different parts of the world and those hosts will then
whole host a regular meetup group which everybody can come it's going to be a
place where you can speak openly you can have a barbecue bring some beer or like
some sport or whatever it is it's a place to have fun and interact with
people not a place to come and get heavy and talk about the destruction of the
world and not dark the world is you want to do the opposite we want to actually
bring people together in light hearts like spirit knowing that we have a
solution for the problems we know the problems of the past we use the problems
of the dark history as a platform of what not to do and something to leave
behind and create a beautiful future of prosperity for everybody
so these meetup groups are gonna intend it to be places of joy and sharing of
information and knowledge and looking to the future of implementing a one small
farm or one small project how are we gonna do that and then learning and
learning from each other and from the Ubuntu book and the written material
that we have from all the experience that we've gained over 12 years learning
from that and then choosing the right person in your area to go and approach
the mayor talking about are there any mayor's in the area that are real good
human beings that are true good out of human beings who want to do good for the
world and for their community and then choosing identifying those mayors and
approaching it from that perspective so I hope that gives you an answer to how
do I start abundant in my town okay I've just been showing your website and so
people can see it and and then you want to maybe share the the URLs that they
are on my website on Project Camelot TV. On this you know if you click on this
show it you can find those links there's also an ubuntu festival coming up do you
want to talk a little bit about that Michael yes that's the winter festival
coming up in South Africa we just had the first conscious
music festival in Kansas City on the third and fourth of December and that
was unbelievable and the reason we decided to do that is
because seems to me this chasm once again we just shows us how divided we
are as a community and as a species you got the music world musicians often very
conscious and bleeding hearts and you know musicians that sing and thousands
of stages around the world every year singing songs of peace love and liberty
and freedom and it was absolutely zero effect and on the other side you got the
truth movements of people that share knowledge and information and it has
absolutely no effect either which is used all this knowledge and information
we've presented a model in the simple plan that I believe we're the only
movement that presents a plan of action to get out of this mess and very easily
by the looks of it as I've shared with you already I want to bring these two
together bring the world of music and the influence of musicians and the way
that their message is heard by millions of people around the world and they want
to movement and the philosophy of to merge the two so that we form a much
stronger voice and a platform with which to help bring a new social structure and
this new paradigm that we're all waiting for and working towards that we are
co-creating so the Winter Festival is really a much bigger version of what we
did in Kansas City it's four days of music arts consciousness body mind
spirit music dance performance presentations workshops yoga etc all
together in a beautiful place called the buds blood blasts hot spring resort
which is not far by the way it's about 45 minutes from from where I am carry in
the mountains it's a beautiful subtropical climate and and yeah it's a
spectacular place it sleeps about four and a half thousand people camping
chalets and also hotel so it could be a really incredible event that could just
grow and grow and start up again become a platform to co-create this new reality
for all of us okay now we're gonna have to close this
down pretty soon what I wanted to do is just get one last question from you
answer from you or whatever in regard to just the current state of the world in
in South Africa and and and sort of what is that sort of going on in would you
say can you make some general statements or whatever about you know what's the
status of the relations with in South Africa between the black and the white
and the various colours and is there is it is it turned into a more positive
direction or perhaps less positive is is there a lot of turmoil can you describe
the I guess social political scene if you will in South Africa um look there's
no doubt that the global elite are using South Africa as a new it's a new puppet
it's it's a new playground for the elite no doubt about that
I would probably describe it as they turning South Africa to the United
States of Africa they're creating they're doing their best to drive a
wedge between the races it's so obvious that there's a there's an attempt to
divide the race groups and this is coming from above so I'm coming from the
people I mean it always comes from right you know where it comes from absolutely
all these agendas going on that are causing some friction but I think that
people have gone beyond that they know you know that it's not coming from the
people it's being manipulated from above the political regime as you know the ANC
has become a dictatorship now it's it's it's a it's a joke you know the
president can do what he wants and he can get away with it and just steal
money and do whatever whatever he wants but that's coming to an end now we've
got a elections next year again and the party will not be participating the
elections we have not pulled out of politics completely so I just wanna make
it very clear that we went through we learned from it
and we now know what not to do and we know where we can be much more effective
as I said and the effectiveness of what we started not not even a year ago is
unbelievable so now South Africa is a very
interesting place and and you know even even here I've got one mayor that's
waiting for me to deliver a presentation to him who loves the one small town
strategy so even within this political regime where I believed where mayor's
are appointed by the political party and not by the people I didn't think that
we'd find a mayor that would actually be brave enough to embrace this I was wrong
you are wrong you can be yeah oh well that's good to hear I you
know it sounds like you've done a great amount of exploration and travel and you
know both mentally psychologically and of course I know you travel the world as
well so just some parting words and also maybe anything coming up any travel that
you might be doing for people that might want to catch you in various places I
think you said you're going to speak in England sometime in the future and so on
yeah well firstly I'm starting a the first research program the stone circle
ruins research program I decided been after all these years I'm not actually
going to make it a group effort and very exciting I've got the first group of 12
people arriving here in early January for a month research program so we're
going to cover a lot of ground we're gonna publish and record and film a lot
of new information so that's gonna provide a new body of information which
I'm sure you're going to be very interested in carry yes and and and and
I must say the people are very excited from all over the world from Australia
USA Canada Europe Turkey Hungary so people from all over the world are
coming here to join me in this research program and I expect to do three or four
research programs a year from now on in between the other things that I do
then in March I'm doing the another sacred site store with my good friend
Dean la preemie chamonix truck extraordinaire and this is a big Cypress
site store it's sold out so you can't take any more people in actually the
biggest - I think we got 26 people going on the students gonna be a big proof
find and that's going to South Africa Zimbabwe Botswana and Namibia for
control I'm jealous sounds fabulous epic shit yeah I pick
Jamie excellent important ancient sites and then in April we have the the
butcher festival at the back glass hot spring resort then in May at the end of
May June I'm at contact in the desert again and then very short tour of the
USA after which I'm gonna probably go to the UK and we're planning a tour of the
UK and Europe and possibly the first conscious music festival in the UK in
August and that's as far as I've planned on the website all right and and join
join the Michael telogen of calm website and also join their but to planet
website so that you on both databases and and get the different information
excellent okay well thank you so much Michael for being on the show and and I
I think you know your information is out there and for people whose questions
didn't get answered I have to say that Michael has been interviewed by me
several times so you can see those videos on my youtube channel but he's
also been interviewed really all over the world and there are many YouTube
videos I think with you Michael correct as well as radio shows etc yeah but
Kerry are good you know give you because you were you were actually the first
international journalist that took interest in in me when I started talking
and writing about this turn circles so calm well actually I believe the first
person that gave me an international platform so thank you and that deep
to you and for staying in touch and contact us I see you as a close friend
and give you deep honor and gratitude thank you thank you and and I see you
the same and I'm very happy that we've been able to stay in touch and connect
reconnect over the years so I'll let you go and thank you again and it's it's
it's been a lot of fun and it's it's it's really a fascinating journey and
encourage everyone to to really check out Michael's work he's just got amazing
amazing stuff it's just never-ending really and you're you're really a
powerhouse I have to say thank you and I. Look forward to seeing you in Busan very
soon okay lovely all right you take care I'm gonna close this window so goodbye
take care everyone so that's the show for today with Michael and that you know
he has so much information and there's so much information out there and I do
encourage everyone to of course see my Adams calendar documentary with Michael
as well so just going to close this down here and and I want to thank everyone
for for listening and for watching and I'm going to be doing a sort of a
last-minute show starting at 3 o'clock today California time which is actually
in 20 minutes I'll be back on the air with Keith hunter we are going to do an
update with him about megalithic sites and some of the technology in them so it
actually kind of works well with this last interview I just did with Michael
tell injure so I hope you can stay tuned for that again and starting it at 3 p.M.
Approximately with Keith hunter and we'll advertise that out on Twitter for
the link etc to watch live so thanks again for watching we had a fabulous
interview yesterday last night with John Brandenburg and I highly recommend that
it he's really on the cutting edge and really in the know and he's written
a fiction based on fact book that contains really the UFO cover-up and
even has been prophetic in terms of seeing where things are going today so
encourage you to get that on my youtube channel and that was just done a day ago
last night actually alright take care and I'll be back thank you you.

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