Hi! I'm Tony Robbins hi I'm sage province a lot of people have relationships were they settled and they've got himself in a place where a friendship you know they've had on the back a little kiss on the cheek but there's not that aliveness anymore and oftentimes we're told well that's what you're supposed to expect after a period of time because it isn't about time it's about triggers and knowing those really are the other thing we just want you to know this is really about how to be happy because you know so many people in life have these dreams and goals and then they get them and their imap and when you travel around the world here's what you're fine I. Don't care what background people have what the religious belief is what levels the faster challenge they have in their life people want happiness they want joy they want to feel good about their life they want a sense of meaning if there's love and passion there that maybe there's something in your life that you've done that you know has made a difference for someone you love nothing feels greater than that and also knowing someone loves you so much they're so passionate for you that your life has a different level of meaning but as important as this area is for most people this is the area they master the least most of us run to work we run the business or shaping our bodies or our kids because it's safer and we have control but this is an area that if you take charge of yourself and if you understand the dynamics of men and women and relationship I'm you can make changes in minutes that maybe you try to make for years and really not being able to experience our goal is to give you the resources to take whatever you've been talking about whatever you've been dreaming about or as great as your relationship is to the next level where love and passion is a daily experience so we thank you and we're going to begin the process thank you for joining us maybe one day we'll meet you personally in a program but until then God bless just stay on the line and pretty soon you'll meet Jen and Paul you'll see what it's like to be able to come back from the edge god bless and we'll look for to me anything live with passion and love and look you're afraid yes what are you afraid of that if I leave my wife I'll lose my identity and my self-worth and I'll lose our love and love for myself you're probably will in fact it will be worse than that I mean do you have kids yes yes you'll feel them hating you at times you're gonna lose a lot of money more than you think it's gonna have another guy bring up his kids he's gonna fall in love with another woman to make all the same mistakes all over again this is my wife hi is your love for this man unconditional yes is that your experience sir I've had a lot of struggles with physical attraction I. Tried to tell myself that physically that was all that I needed and it wasn't I don't feel that she was the person I. Was meant to be with for the rest of my life you want to leave I want to be free of the pain on both sides and Sikkim that up with feeling this way it's unfair to her it's unfair to me so you basically believe you know what's right would it not had the guts to do something you got it so you'd have certainty and comfort what do you guys do I need to know that I'm loved so you live in a life where the most important things in life topic that you have uncertainty and how much sir did you have that your family's of lobby of 0 to 10 100 you talking about your father no I lost my father okay that's okay you were his little baby girl definitely What did he say about you on that I was perfect that bastard told her his perfect so yeah I'm sorry to hear by your father's passing thank you but your father needed the pass at some point so you could have a man he can never be your man or your father alive he has a chance now Wow it's like I have this huge weight lifted off my shoulders that I don't I don't have the worry that used to bog down my brain many people probably believe they've tried everything and you know with what they're thinking at the time they probably can't see anything else if it just they love the person they're with and they know in their heart just try one more time because it's so worth it hey it's tony robbins listen i'm here today to talk to the gentleman in the group but in case any ladies are watching today as well here's my question for you ladies how many you cannot stand a man who can't make a decision how many of you cannot stand the man who at one point in the relationship he's there for you and now he doesn't feel present at all how many guests been a man I can't tell you the truth and now that I've stirred up the ladies it's really a bit video for men for gentlemen I know you know there's been women in your life who have felt in the beginning so much passion for you and then gradually you guys seem to drift apart you love each other but there isn't that same aliveness that same sensuality or sexuality or excitement together and 10 min think that's women that creates and I would argue two gentlemen but if you and I.
Take responsibility we dig underneath and we understand what the triggers are that make women turn off then we can turn them back on and not by some stupid technique but by the thing that affects most women to deepest and that is your presence most women are starving for a man whose present what does present mean it needs a man who is right here with me one hundred percent right now his mind isn't doing 20 other things I know gentlemen it's hard to be present when woman is talking to you and she's talking about so many things so quickly very often that don't relate to the woman's brain has something called diffused awareness it means they taken everything all at once it isn't multitasking it's literally transitioning not even transitioning experiencing multiple conversations and people at one time whereas men to the focus on one thing at a time and when a woman starts doing that most men's brains click in or they try to focus on one thing they can hand and they're no longer present if you're in your head and you're not connected that woman she doesn't feel that presence and presence is what opens a woman presence is what causes a woman to open you essentially sexually emotionally her heart or soul whole nine yards ladies correct me if I'm wrong there is nothing more powerful than presents when there's real love involved so and off often women respond to a man who doesn't mean love them but whose present for them but they feel like there's nothing else in the world but me right now and gentlemen you know how to do that when you're in the zone in sports you are so present when you're in the zone trying to solve a problem you were so there and you probably were so there when you were pursuing this woman but if you can train yourself to bring that presence back on a regular basis you can own your woman like she'd never been on where she will literally melt to you I don't think most women who are feminine would argue with what I'm sharing with you right now if they do they can not only talk about the video they can write some comments down below wherever this thing is posted so what makes women also feel you're not present is when you may feel like you're not honest and most men are truly audit but they just don't want to deal with what they call the shit that must be the technical term right the ship again for telling the truth because she disagrees about it and then get worn out by words men would happy to resolve it the finally they'll just say yeah yeah okay okay when you say yeah yeah okay okay that's not really okay with you you're not present so she gets even more animated see most women they don't want a pleaser they would like to be pleased but they don't want to please her I. Please there's time to anything a can to make things work they feel there's no present for the man he has no century has no strength they may like him but it's going to be hard for them to respect him and if she doesn't respect him there's not going to be a lot of passion and him is you that's a real problem you and I both know with you're a single man who's meeting women or whether you're in an intimate relationship so I thought maybe we'll show you one example of how women perceive dishonesty with men perceive it as just leaving things out so they don't have to deal with more challenges and how to deal with it differently I can tell you that verbally but it might be better to witness it we were in Hawaii recently and there was a gentleman there sharing that he have so much difficulty just dealing with his wife she wants him to do things like do the dishes and he says I run a business and I don't do the dishes she feel doesn't feel like I love her and I said well then why would you just do it at times because I do at times but it's like every time it and so she asked me you know you know am I. Gonna do dishes and I say yes and then they don't do it then she gets mad at me and I said yeah because there is anything authentic I said why don't you play your wife right now now let's talk about whatever she's upset about and I'll just be me but I'll put I'll be you there's i'll be myself if I was you and you'll just watch this little video and it's pretty simplistic only basically say is no I'm not gonna do it and he was shocked when I demonstrated this but I. Didn't do it harsh I didn't say you should go do these dishes I don't have a delusion that that's a woman's job I.
Just said I'm not going to do it this higher priority but I also don't think you do your problem i am committed working out a solution but i'm not going to do this and there's some things that you probably don't want to do I don't see let's work this out it's coming from a place of congruence and people can feel when you say what you mean and you mean what you say versus when you're play gating I know this is third grade at one level like we all know this intellectually but knowing intellectually in doing it is image to be having a passionate relationship in a relationship where you're constantly accommodating each other and accommodation doesn't produce passion it might have a relationship with there's some friendship but again the only difference between you know a friendship and an intimate relationship is intimacy and real exciting it's missy is when people fill your present feeling was dishonest you'll take it away so watch this quick little video so simple and see what you get out of the gentleman you think about if you might use that same sense of presence that's already inside you are you use in business or sport with that woman and not let the password out you might be surprised women very often when they feel that spring and excites them to see you have a standard and you're not going to be swayed take it out and then maybe show this even to a woman in your life and see if she agrees you might say that Tony Robbins was so full of it as a bunch of crap my bet is she'll say yeah smack you on the soul that's what I've been trying to tell you be President that's me and instead of you know saying well i'm sorry i'll be better just delivering maybe this week is the time Valentine's week of time for you to find your own Center the way you do in business the way do we have a purpose do app with a woman in your life the game will change but the inside there's going to be a part of you and a part of your partner in life whether you found them or the one you're pursuing or the one you're already with that you're going to start to cherish in a different level now while that may sound corny we've got some skills we just spent some time in Hawaii for seven days with our platinum partners and we went deep we were couples that were absolutely gone how would you describe some of them fully in love some of them over the top how would you describe the experience it was it was it's amazing to be able to take a relationship that truly doesn't feel that passion and doesn't feel that intimacy in that love and in a moment to be able to decide something new and that's what happened over and over and over again in Hawaii and so you're going to be able to experience a taste of that and we're just here to say that this weekend Valentine's week remember it's about waking up it's about waking up to adoring your partner at such a different level and celebrating your partner and you know it's crazy because on Valentine's Day you know we do so much that's romantic and the supplements creative and go out of our way and it's about bringing that magic and that love and that thoughtfulness and that sincerity and waking up to your partner's needs at such a different level because it really is in the little things that you know just create that depth of love it's also just deciding to set a stake in the ground as standard for going forward that this is not just Valentine's Day but your life you know people get what they accept people get what they tolerate in themselves and each other and most people in relationship are thinking about what they're going to tolerate the other person but in our relationship I think the beauty and the passion and all the juices I've gotten experience in our relationship my girl is because I hold myself to a higher standard that she can ever expect of me and I think when your standard and focus is about yourself instead of on your partner about how do I show up more what am I here to give in the beginning of a relationship people's whole focus is how do i like them up I. Want to do anything light them up and it makes you feel incredible like a partner up and you know relationship is aging not based on years but based on when you can be with somebody a week but you start thinking about what are we doing for me and I'm doing it all you start measuring what you're giving instead of just giving from your heart your soul things drop off so maybe this week is a chance for you to really create some relationship breakthroughs and we think that takes three things any kind of breakthrough sometimes it's having the right strategy because frankly you know as a guy we say and do things that girls interpret very differently they come up with very different meanings and vice versa you know for men for example problems or nothing you talk about problems of things you solve right now or you make them small and move on for ladies sharing that problem getting in feeling it not solving it understanding understanding gentlemen is such a key piece we are such different species and I think having an understanding of each other and each other's needs and knowing that we are not the same you know our own reality of how we think and feel and process life isn't the same for your partner so having that not just understanding but ruefully appreciation for how they view and experience the world is a game changer is it game time there's so many things in our relationship and it's like oh my goodness you know what it's not me cuz energy take things person it's just knowing that that's how they process reality and process life well they say that it's not meant for Mars Medina's john gray's a friend of mine it's a wonderful approach but all men have a feminine side of the mass curbside all women have a feminine side of the masculine side it's really just understanding how this species endemic species interpret the world and if you don't understand the strategy not interpret that you'll be upset or angry or frustrated so perhaps this week and you know you'll be able to dig in and get some new understandings that'll take some of the weight off to make you laugh and stuff that you used to get upset about it's one thing your strategies to know how to fix things but oftentimes you don't apply what you know because you got a story about your relationship a story about your part but they don't really care you know you got frustrations or pains or disappointments they got interpreted in the past and now you're generalizing about your partner whenever we generalize about anybody we do them at the service in ourselves as well so maybe this week during Valentine's week maybe discover what are the empowering stories about your relationship if you ask a couple how did you meet and they talk about it with such passion excitement you know the relationships still alive if they go yeah we met you know this is what happens we bumped into each and there's no energy for it even a story of how you met affects you so probably this week might you might want to take a look at the stories that you tell about your partner to yourself to your friends to your partner because we start to believe our story and I always tell people want to change your life change your story divorce the story of how your partner is not enough or you'll never find the partner you want if you're single or the good ones are gone whatever stopping you from getting what you want the relationships there's a story about it you can uncover it you can get rid of it divorce your story and marry the truth the truth is always something alone power you much more and that truth of that magnification remembering it's like one of the gifts that we give each other especially actually at a time like this like Valentine's week is actually be living those moments you know reliving the magic and appreciating the magic and it's just I don't know it infuses into your life rather than looking and letting those stacking staff out for you become frustrations and the story knowing that this man i was born to love this man and god gifted me all that a good sign on with millions of people the good i'm done this has been the gift of my life i got into that I believe that's my positive karma that's the core story i believe about this woman and that produces a love and commitment and devotion to each other that gives you any of the other BF that shows up when you get caught up in the daily stresses of things so rewrite your story what is your love affair and who are you for the one that you love and if you single it's time to rewrite the story of who you are and the one that you're going to track because whenever we focus on wherever we all know ever energy go wherever focus goes energy flows so your story controls the energy of your life if you think all the good ones are gone it's self-fulfilling you know if you're overweight and hunters and wait or strategies are there but you're not doing it cuz you go I've tried everything you haven't tried everything not all the good ones are gone and your partner was bright with you if there was ever a passion that pass can be brought back to life with the right strategies but first you gotta have the story that's ever can last one real fast well is the most important Bible relationship is the state you're in we always call the State of the Union aha you know what the state of the union if two people independent each other in pink states about things in their business their life their career and they need together it's a great relationship if they're both in kind of a so-so state eventually a relationship so if they're both in a crappy state prison of the crappy relationship what people who want is when we meet somebody we get attracted them because they change our statement change the way we feel we get excited want to be with them are you being are you putting yourself in a state when you're with the partner in your life or the person you want to track are you doing the state that would want them make them want to be with you like they would be in the beginning you know most people are noticing what the other person isn't doing but the most important thing is you're going to interpret your partner and really negative ways when you're in a lousy state ever than that at somebody you've got something and you found out later on you were wrong we just estate you're in so we have so many tools for changing state and we work at it weighted tuna I'm giggling about this one to state my husband how he says are the most loving human being on the planet until I don't eat then he calls me Godzilla oh so familiar dish from the same perspective feel where sometimes truthfully we will even if there's a staffing or we have a frustration we will literally it's like you know whether we need to change our state will go drink some water will eat something just taking a breath from what's happening in that moment so it allows your physiology to exchange so you're not like bringing that to the table in that moment because that can just cause if you're both frustrated and those two frustration jerz is going together it's like literally I mean we will physically just it's like let's do something so we'll jump in the pool sounds crazy but it actually like you know you come out and you feel different in feeling different your physiology you experience different realities when you're stuck in a relationship you're stuck because you're stuck in a state people get stuck in the future of futures not the way they want it to be in their head or something to happen in the past the best thing is to change something in the present physically change it bring some water have something to eat jump in the river do whatever you got to do because in the right state you and I both know if there's any love there you will transform and come back and solve the problem but in the wrong state good people the right people in the wrong state will mess up the relationship so if you want to break through this week look at some of the strategies for understanding appreciating and changing look at what triggers you to feel attractive because this week smudge is about love it's love and passion if all you have is love you have a friendship nothing all without but give them an intimate relationship and there's passion there so what are the strategies to trigger that the masculine and feminine energy the dance of it take a look at some of those this week take a look at this week is your own story take a look at your state and we're going to do some little videos this week for you just our gift to you and then at some point they'll be an offering for you to continue education with us we have our ultimate relationship program and I'll have some kind of special offer for you enough if you want to continue this journey with us and really expanding please take advantage of that but the first thing we want to do in there today or two maybe they'll put it on this video I don't know how they'll do it is what we call the eight to be great which is what are the laws of love and lust they're different love and passion what makes you love somebody doesn't always make you excited by them sometimes you just want to snuggle what makes you excited doesn't always bring out love how do you trigger both of these in the same relationship and a nice that it your night that passion ignite that loveth like that attraction if you can turn on and insistence and that's what we really share you know for us we are each other's best friends I mean there's literally I'm we share everything together and yet to have that and to have that intimacy alive to have that and to have that level of attraction that's where it's just it's a game changer is a game changer of a level of love and excitement and anticipation to really share your life together I'm fun and fun in cali feather Godzilla today only the role of it I'm a cupcake happy Valentine's week hope you enjoy some of the stuff we're sending you hope it's helpful for you we know will be if you take the time and and hope we get a chance to meet you in person someday an event or hear the story of how you've changed your life can change the relationship either created the one you really want or taking the one make your in to a new level god bless to you happy Valentine's Day I was the most important thing that anybody has to do man or woman I think of your right you men in the past and conditioned to associate more of their work for what they do and women have both devote time more to the relationships that you made go beyond conditioning the biochemistry is obviously very different every man and every woman have both male and female energy in themselves every every woman but most people a chance you have one that's stronger and so the answer to that is you have to become a creator instead of just 100 if you're a hunter and you get what you want rarely are you happy anyway that's how most men do and what I think Anthony instead is trapped what you want and the way you attract what you want is not just a composited layer to the thoughts it's getting really specific about what did you want like anything in life almost anything you've ever achieved in your life do that really clear something you got excited about you got obsessed I thought about also we can relate to something I. Want it's so bad I couldn't stop thinking about it and you can be kind of kept thinking about it and if you didn't come to play severe you hear things you notice things started you know making distinctions ideas came to you put together a plan it took some action something didn't work you try something else but you eventually got there because we're so good and so hungry and so clear but if you got a general go I. Don't have a relationship so I can do a while you going to lose some weight oh and make some money we're fine here's a dollar fine here's a guy you know by lose a pound and you just achieved your goals I think people out to get really specific what I did my own bicycle transform a life i sit down i wrote down everything I could possibly want in a relationship everything I was ridiculous in the level of precision I relax kick stages and I wrote spiritually mentally emotionally physically sense of humor you know how we interact what kind of things we laugh about beauty that level of insanity and then some people make less like that before then I went through and I thought that everything was over there must that wasn't really really a passion about right and I.
Tremble us now then cuz I'm a revisit able to feed my mind but I don't understand something just I want something I know I'm not a believer I. Didn't participate in the secret for very good reasons because I don't believe in the secret I think there's many secrets I believe well traction is one of them i pod three years but it isn't to make it like that life is absurd if all you have to do is think positively and cold it clearly and then secret is you attract your own thoughts there are dozens and dozens and dozens of the laws of lights are also equally important and who's to say you're supposed to think of something and get it everything you thought about you got you'd be bored out of your mind because I'm not eating what you want to sometimes most valuable thing that ever happened to you because out of that you become deeper richer stronger you open up and it took about one is more gift other people as well as to get to yourself as you know somebody who says I. Friend of especially for the day who wouldn't see it first came out at good time its come you know so much WT some more complex is so simple I think it's really simple if you want simple just go do it to me how it's working he's why I. Focus on green lights all the way here and have green lights all the way Airness we're gonna do in to get red lights get weighing yourself your they are not thinking possibly enough I said yes they are messed up I said it's a stupid I said you know it is it's like are you saying purpose people that were documents were there because they just weren't thinking positive up and they tracked it all that negativity realized that's absurd they all have different light paths and different stages of our problem in each stage or the firm different possibilities for us so I'm a big believer that you have to put yourself in a position where you decide not only what you want but who you have to become to attract them not just think positive so it's like I've enlisted all the things that what kind of man would I.
Have to be for a woman of that caliber to want to be with me not just for a day a week a month or a year with the rest of my life tell them that was the powerful once and that's what I'm ones work on a third blowing up to the moment you know matches lemon lemon about lloyds a nice guys women love me I love the big pleaser and they love me for a while maybe like he's just so nice of them some badass guide again okay but when I own myself I have to be a badass guy no was a nice guy was it everyone wants to be pleased but no one wants a pleaser and they might think they wanted they get it will be bored silly so when I own myself and I know who I wasn't the man and I have these qualities been attracted to one of my dreams with my life 12 years now since I'm out of my mind for skellige is that it might for me that came about so then I dooms regos every day for several months in advance or being like once every week or two and I was in a train between both of Swiss houston paris and venice with my wife's age is my brother at the time would actually one of my toughest events nom house very honest man about that us that I don't not look at me tied down with in that situation and you're doing things were so insane does it wait a second I. Pulled out and so you know wonderful time planner in those days that i was doing everything on the list at once she was everything I didn't want I was the one I didn't want also I should mention that because sometimes you get me wat and he gives you things you don't want me messing everything up earlier what nothing I didn't want that was a must and she was everything on it oh look at a guy that I said that can you commit to being and who I wasn't everything she wanted.
The KEY To Living The Law of Attraction: A Super Simple Guide To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams chapter one law of attraction
understanding the law of attraction is the key to creating the life of your
dreams the lava traction is the most powerful law in the universe just like
gravity it's always in effect always in motion and it's working in your life at
this very moment simply put the law of attraction that says that you will
attract into your life whatever you focus on whatever you give your life and
energy and attention will come back to you so if you stay focused on the good
and positive things in your life you'll automatically attract more good and
positive things into your life if you're focused upon lack and negativity then
that is what you will be attracting into your life you are what you think about
all day long dr. Robert Schuller you are always in a state of creation you always
have been you are creating a reality in every moment in every day you are
creating your future with every single thought either consciously or
subconsciously you can't take a break from it or decide not to create because
creation never stops the law of attraction never stops working so
understand just how this is law and how the law operates in a fundamental key to
your success if you want to change your life you have to empower yourself to
create an amazing future then you need to understand your role in the law of
attraction to let life happen to you is irresponsible to create your day is your
divine right Ramtha here's how it works like attracts like
if you're feeling excited enthusiastic passionate happy joyful appreciative
abundant then you are sending out positive energy on the other hand if
you're feeling bored anxious stressed out angry resentful or sad then you're
sending out negative energy the universe through the law of attraction will
respond enthusiastically to both of these vibrations it doesn't decide
whether it's better or which one is better for you it just responds to
whatever energy that you are creating and it gives you more of the same you
get back to exactly what you put out there whatever you are thinking and
feeling at any given moment is basically your request to the universe for more of
the same because your energy has vibrations it'll attract energy back to
you the same frequencies you need to make sure that you are continually
sending out energy and thoughts and feelings
resonate with what you want to be do and experience your energy frequencies need
to be in the same tune with whatever you want to attract in your life if love and
joy are what you want to attract then the vibrational frequencies of love and
joy are what you want to create think of it this way it's a lot like transmitting
and receiving radio waves your frequency is to match the frequency that you want
to receive you can't tune your radio to 98.7 On your FM dial and expect to you
the station broadcasting on 103.3 It just won't happen the energy has to be
synchronizing with or match or the energy frequency of the sender so you
have to keep the vibration tuned into a positive frequency in order to attract
positive energy back to you another good example is that a tuning fork when you
strike a tuning fork you activate it and send out a particular sound of frequency
now in a room filled with tuning forks only those that are tuned to an exact
same frequency will begin to vibrate the response they will automatically connect
you'll respond in a frequency that matches their own so the idea here is to
tune yourself to resonate at a frequency that is in harmony with what you want to
attract in order to create a positive future you need to keep your energy
thoughts and feelings in a positive range you can learn to manage your
thoughts and emotion to maintain a vibrational match for what you want to
attract by learning to respond instead of just reacting to situations in your
life learn to respond most of us go to our life and reacting automatically or
unconsciously two things are the events that take place around us perhaps you're
having a rough day you've gotten a flat tire maybe someone's treated you
unfairly say that you react in a negative way to these situations with
your thoughts and your emotions you become angry frustrated and upset in
this case you are unconsciously reacting to a situation instead of consciously
responding to it you want to consciously respond to everything versus
unconsciously reacting and your negativity charges thoughts and emotions
it's automatically placing in an order with the universe for more the same
negative experiences in order to create a more positive outcome you must learn
to consciously respond in a different more positive way if you want to do what
you've always done if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've
always gotten Anthony Robbins the good news is that once you understand the law
of attraction and how it works you can begin consciously and intentionally
creating a better life that you choose to respond differently in
situations whenever things arise during a day you could choose to think
difficulty differently you could choose to focus and think about the things that
you want more of in your life you could choose to experience more of the things
that make you feel good you could choose to deliberately
participate in a creation of your own future by managing your thoughts and
feelings your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow
your future determines on what you do today right here and right now not
tomorrow expect miracles your future is created by what you do today not
tomorrow Robert Kiyosaki the law of attraction allows your infinite
possibilities infinite abundance infinite joy it knows no order of
difficulty and it can change your life in every way in order to really
understand how the law of attraction works in your life we need to look at a
few things well let's start at the beginning the universe is change our
life is what our thoughts make it Marcus Aurelius and tonin us chapter two what
you are you are energy pure and simple you're made of the same stuff as the Sun
the moon and the stars you are a walking talking bundle of intelligent energy in
the form of a human body you're made up of cells which are made up of atoms
which are made up of subatomic particles what are subatomic particles energy
everything is energy all matter is energy energy cannot be created or
destroyed it is the cause and effect of itself it is evenly present it's evenly
present in all places at all times energy is a constant motion and never
rests it is forever moving from one form to another energy follows thoughts
there's no extra piece in the universe everyone is here because he or she has
placed a place to feel and every piece must be fit in itself into a big jigsaw
puzzle Deepak Chopra you are connected you are connected to everything and
everyone you are completely a unique piece of a much greater whole the
integral part of the cosmos you are a ball of energy in a much larger energy
field and you are part is much of a greater power
you are part of God the wisdom of an entire universe is yours for the asking
think of the internet you can't see it or touch it but you know that it's there
it is real it is an invisible energy
connecting that links us all together to each other you are connected to everyone
and everything in the much in the same way have you ever found that people who
you are close to you could sometimes finish a sentence for them or the both
of you say the same thing at the exact same time this is not a coincidence it's
a connection this is a perfect example of how connected we really are for those
around us again things like that isn't a coincidence it's a connection we've all
had the same experiences of starting to think about someone perhaps something or
someone whom we haven't seen or spoken in years and then several minutes later
the phone rings and it's them on the other end of the line I was just
thinking about you we exclaim in wonder we were actually picking up on the
intention to call but before they had that time of acting upon it
our thoughts travel through time and space and the domain using speed through
your connection we are able to pick up an energy of our thoughts and intentions
before we even dialed the number for perhaps it was you're thinking about
them that stimulated them to call you because the law of attraction each of
you is like a powerful magnet attracting more of the way that you feel at any
point in time Esther and Jerry Hicks you are a magnet you are living magnets
you literally attract the things people's ideas circumstances to you that
vibrate resonate the same energy frequencies as yours your energy comes
and changes constantly based on your thoughts and feelings and then the
universe acts like a mirror sending back the reflection of the energy that you
project the stronger and more intense of your thoughts the emotions are the
greater the magnetic pole becomes now that this is a process greater than
requires it doesn't now that this is not a process that requires any real effort
a magnet doesn't try to attract anything it just simply does and so do you you
were always in the process of attracting some thing into your life do you realize
that your life at this very moment is the result of everything that you have
ever thought of done believed and felt up to now that your life is exactly this
very moment the result of everything that you've ever thought done believed
and felt up till now you can start right now to consciously and deliberately
attract whatever you desire into your lifetime through the law of attraction
you can attract people resources money ideas strategy circumstances literally
everything you need to create the future of your dreams and all that we are is
the results of what we have thought Buddha you are far more powerful than
you realize you are creating everything in your life once you fully acknowledge
this take responsibility forward and you can do anything that you set your mind
to you are the author of your own life you can choose to take it in any
direction that you wish you have the ability to change your life you have the
ability to create your own desired future you have unlimited potential and
once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen
Ralph Waldo Emerson chapter three who you are thoughts are things your
thoughts are not just wispy little clouds drifting through your head your
thoughts are things they're actually measurable units of energy thoughts are
biochemical electrical impulses they're waves of energy that as far as we can
tell penetrate all time and space thought is action in rehearsal Sigmund
Freud your thoughts are powerful they are real they are measurable they are
energy every single thought that you have is in the statement of your desires
to the universe every single thought that you ever generate psychological
changes in your body you can put you are a product of all your thoughts that you
have thought feelings that you felt actions that you've taken up till now
and the thoughts that you think of today feeling your field today the actions you
take today will determine your experiences tomorrow so it is imperative
that you learn to think and behave in a positive way from which is in alignment
with all that you ultimately want to be do and experience in your life the game
of life is the game of boomerangs our thoughts deeds and words return to a
sooner or later with astounding accuracy Florence Shen game of life is like
boomerangs thoughts affect your body thoughts affect your body we know from a
polygraph a lie-detector test that your body reacts to thoughts changes in
temperature heart rate blood pressure breathing rate muscle tension how your
hands may sweat let's just say you're hooked up to a lie detector test and you
asked a question like did you take the money and you did take the money and you
lie about it your hands may sweat get cold or your
heart may beat faster your blood pressure goes up your breathing will be
faster your muscles will tighten these kinds of psychological reactions occur
not only when you were lying but in reaction to every thought that we have
single cell in your body is affected by every single thought you have high admit
thoughts influence the body Albert Einstein I admit thoughts influence the
body so you could see the importance of learning to think of positive positively
as possible negative thoughts are toxic and they make the effects of your body
in a negative way they we can you make you perspire create muscular tension
even create a more acidic environment within your body
they increase the likelihood of cancer cancer cells thrive on acidic
environments and the other diseases they also send out a negative energy
vibration that attracts more experiences of the same vibration positive thoughts
on the other hand will affect your body in a positive way that make you feel
more relaxed more centered and alert they stimulate the release of endorphins
in your brain reducing pain and increasing pleasure in addition to this
your positive thoughts send out a positive energy vibration that will
attract more positive experiences back into your life it has been proven now
scientifically that an affirmation thought is hundred times more powerful
than a negative thought Michael Bernard Beckwith your conscious and subconscious
mind most of us are fairly aware of our conscious thoughts but is important to
become more aware of our subconscious thoughts as well our subconscious mind
is pretty much the running it's the running of the show our subconscious
mind is pretty much running the show and since most of us have a constant
negative tape playing in our heads we're continually sending out a negative
message you must learn to reprogram your subconscious mind to transform your
negative internal thoughts into a healthy positive one by looking closely
at your beliefs and self-image you can work on eliminating any limiting and
negative ideas this negative self-talk is like a type of static or interference
on a phone call it'll interfere with distort and even block the frequencies
of your positive intentions if not removed it will reduce your ability to
create and manifest the future you desire sometimes you've got to let
everything go purge yourself if you're unhappy with anything whatever it's
bringing you down get rid of it because you'll find out that when you're free
you'll fool and truly create your true creativity your true self comes out Tina
Turner unfortunately many of us have a fairly stubborn tendency to hold on to
old negative thoughts and self images in our comfort zone we become more
accustomed to our familiar concepts of reality and we tend to get stuck in our
subconscious beliefs of inadequate see fear of doubt fear and doubt most of
these limiting thoughts and feelings stem from past incidents beliefs
experiences that we've internalized over the years and turned into a personal
truth these are negative concepts can sabotage us and keep us from realizing
our fullest growth and potential unless we make a conscious decision to address
them release them and let them go think about trying to drive a car with a
parking brake on no matter how much you try to accelerate the parking brake will
always keep slowing you down as soon as you release it you will automatically
and effortlessly go faster you're limiting thoughts feelings and behaviors
are like this type of psychological parking brake it'll drag you down and
slow you down unless you make a commit and committed effort to let them go and
let it be replaced with some more positive thoughts and beliefs you must
be willing to release your negative mental programming and step out of the
comfort zone in order to make room for a positive healthy self-image and belief
system this will shift your energy vibrations and allow you to be more
easily effectively attracting a positive energy and experience experiences from
which you desire in your life police are just habitual thoughts and that can be
changing through affirmations positive self-talk behavioral changes and
visualization techniques these are all extremely effective tools in releasing
these old negative thoughts patterns and we will address each of these powerful
techniques and chapters to come if you find your negative programming is so
deeply rooted in your experiencing of great difficulties of letting go you may
want to try another approach you discover three very powerful releasing
techniques they are called extreme effectiveness and releases of negative
thought patterns beliefs and emotions they are the Sedona Method by Hale drow
Ski WWV Sedona Method calm the work of Byron Katie w-w-w or calm the emotional
freedom technique WWE MO free calm each of these websites contain information on
books audios and courses seminars that help you learn quickly and powerfully to
release your negative mental programming what the mind of a man can conceive and
believe the mind of a man can achieve Napoleon Hill your conscious mind your
conscious mind is part of that from which thinks and reasons in the part of
your mind to use to make everyday decisions you're free you're a free will
lies here and with your conscious mind you can decide from what you want to
create in your life and with this part of your mind you can accept to reject
any idea no person or circumstance can force you to think consciously about
thoughts or ideas that you do not choose to think about the thoughts you choose
of a course will eventually determine the course of your life this practice
and will be a bit of disciplined effort but you can learn to direct your
thoughts on to only those things that will support the manifestations of your
chosen dreams and goals your conscious mind is powerful but it is the more
limited part of your mind the sub the conscious mind has the conscious mind
has limited processing capacity short term memory about 20 seconds the ability
to manage 1 to 3 events at a time impulses that travel 120 140 miles an
hour the ability to process an average of 2,000 bits of information per second
your subconscious mind is actually much more spectacular it is frequency
referred to as a spiritual and universal mind it knows no limits except for which
you consciously choose your self image of your habits to live in a subconscious
mind it functions in every single cell of your body this is the part of the
mind that's connected to your higher self much greater the level of your
conscious mind but it's connected it is your connection to God your connection
to the source of the universe of infinite intelligence your subconscious
mind your subconscious mind is an habitual and timeless to the works of
the present tense only in stores you pass learning experiences and memories
and the monitors all your bodily operations motor functions heartrate
digestions etc your subconscious mind thinks literally if you accept every
thought of your subconscious mind chooses to think then you have no
ability to reject concepts or ideas now what that means is is that you can
choose to use your conscious mind deliberately and reprogram our
subconscious beliefs and the subconscious mind has to accept the new
ideas and beliefs it can't reject them we can actually make a conscious
decision a conscious decision to change the content of our subconscious mind see
the subconscious mind has expanded processing capacity long-term memory
past experiences attitude values beliefs the ability to manage manage thousands
of events at a time impulses that travel at over 100,000 miles per hour the
ability to process an average of four billion bits of information per second
your subconscious mind as you can see the subconscious mind is
far more powerful than the conscious mind think of the mind as an iceberg and
the part of the iceberg you see is the part above water is your conscious mind
it represents only one-sixth of your actual mental capacity the part below
water the other 5/6 is your subconscious mind when you operate primarily on the
conscious mind as we typically do we are using only a fraction of our true
potential the conscious mind is much more slower much more cumbersome vehicle
than the subconscious mind so the goal here is to learn to tap into the vast
power of our subconscious mind in order to use it in our advantage we must
create a room in each of which we check in with our subconscious spiritual mind
daily time spent quietly without any external distractions will strengthen
our connection to who we really are we can connect with our subconscious mind
through the use of several techniques they include affirmations visualization
prayer contemplation meditation gratitude appreciation and the use of
pot a positive focus techniques our subconscious mind can take us to where
we want to go and help us reach the goals in our life much faster more
easily than our conscious mind ever could so by connecting with our and
utilizing our amazing speed power and agility of our subconscious mind we
could begin to use the law of attraction in a deliberate way to more effectively
attract and create the results we desire within your right now within you right
now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible within you right now
this power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs
dr. Maxwell Maltz chapter 4 emotions your emotions are the key your emotions
are a critical component in the application of the law of attraction
learn to listen to them they are your important internal feedback systems that
tell you that you are in a body's visceral response to the vibrational
state that you are creating you are creating this vibrational frequency with
whatever you are giving your attention to these thoughts of your thinking the
belief that you are contemplating the television shows that you are watching
the music you're listening to the book you are reading with whatever activity
you are engaged in your feelings are part of an internal guidance system for
which you are feeling a joy or a sense of expansion it's simple
means that you are on course for the things that you're focusing on the
thoughts that you're thinking on or creating the ideas you're entertaining
the activities you are engaging in are actively moving you in a direction of
your purpose dreams and desires when you are feeling anger sadness depression
hopelessness any feelings that you give in a sense of physical contraction and
you are thinking of thoughts and attending to things that you are not
taking you towards your purpose dreams and desires
this is feedback that you're saying that you are off course you're an emotion
your emotions are telling you that it's time to switch gears they are telling
you that it's time to think more uplifting thoughts change your focus
change your channel change the topic of discussion and go to something different
that will shift your energy and bring you feelings of joy and expansion love
is life and if you miss love you miss life Leo Buscaglia since your
vibrational state is what attracts your objects of your desire it is imperative
to keep your emotions as positive as possible strive to keep your emotions as
positive ranges feeling like joy love happiness exhilaration satisfaction
relief pride appreciation relaxation serenity these feelings will raise your
vibrational level and create a vibrational match for the experiences
that you expect to have in your dreams to come to fruition remember like
attracts like like always attracts like this is what
you like unto itself is to draw so by deliberately creating deliberately
creating the positive emotional states that match the feelings that we have on
our completion and fulfillment of our goals and desires we are creating an
energy field that will attract what we want this is only why learning to
respond to circumstances instead of just reacting to them and thereby managing
emotional moods is so important so do the things that make you feel good be
passionate enthusiastic about your life when you feel emotionally fully and
deeply you radiate more intense frequencies into the universe the
stronger your more intense your feelings are the more accelerated the process of
vibrational attraction becomes it is absolutely essential that you find some
time to do things that you love to do and you take care of yourself in this
way no matter how busy your life already is find a time to do things that you
love to do researchers are discovering that
what you are feeling is actually more important than what you are thinking or
saying again what you are feeling is way more important than what you are
thinking or saying your emotions never lie they are true indicators of thoughts
that you have had or whether or not you are acting in accordance to your own
personal truth your heartfelt desires don't ignore them or try to reason for
them in feelings in any way first just notice them don't ignore or try to
reason your feelings away they are not in a positive range if they are not in a
positive range hope expectation acceptance appreciation love and joy
either release them or simply choose a better thought this means choosing the
thought that creates a better feeling simply changing that what it is that you
are doing and doing something that you were enjoying instead go for a walk but
some music on pet the cat take charge and do something to shift you back into
the positive range of emotions everything you see happening is a
consequence of which you are David R. Hawkins internal and external feedback
remember joy is your internal guidance system it is your very own personal
internal feedback device it is your feeling of exciting your happiness and
joyfulness and then chances are that you are on right shore of the right track
for living in alignment with your personal truth if you're feeling
depressed sad or miserable you probably are not it's as simple as that what you
are in the state of joy and happiness you're doing something right so keep
doing it pay attention to what you are feeling how you are feeling and keep
your compass heading set for joy your happiness to the very moment your
happiness in this very moment is the key to attracting more happiness in the
future now in addition to this internal feedback you are also constantly
receiving external feedback messages from the universe this feedback comes
from many forms and consists of subtle but not so subtle signals that you get
from other people situations or events in your life you have surely experiences
those times when things just seem to click and everything comes together for
your smoothly and effortlessly you feel supported in your actions and your end
of wires this is external feedback telling you that you are on course in
stark contrast there are times when you meet resistance in every turn and
nothing seems to go well no matter how hard you try this is the universe
providing external feedback to protect you and to let you know that you are off
course you're swimming upstream against the
current these internal external feedback systems will let you know when you are
on the right path and when you're on the wrong one
you simply learn to read learn to pay attention and then of what they are
telling you and they will guide you if you let them every time I've done
something that doesn't feel right it's ended up not being right Mario Cuomo
naturally there will be times in our lives when sadness grief and sorrow are
present there was no natural ebb to flow in life that without the lows who would
have appreciated without the highs we would not appreciate the highs without
the lows without the darkness we would not appreciate the light these painful
times are often highly underrated opportunities of emotional spiritual
growth they can provide us with much-needed frame of reference and help
us by contrast comparison to recognize the appreciate the many blessings in our
lives sometimes you have to have that hardship and the low to appreciate that
contrast of what your blessings are in your life it is obvious and it's
obviously more difficult to keep our thoughts and feelings positive in the
face of pain and darkness just know that do and you do have a choice about how
you respond to or perceive any situation there really are no good or bad events
in your lives at all we just have our own per preconceived ideas or
perceptions about certain things from which will make us so from which them so
for us everything that happens to our lives provide an opportunity of grow in
some way they give us a chance to grow try to remember that any seemingly
negative event can also become the seed of something beautiful and beneficial
there's no mistakes no coincidences all events are blessings given to us to
learn from Elizabeth kubler-ross positive and negative emotions you may
have noticed that when your feelings are grateful happy you're joyful there's a
sense of lightness and expansion you feel connected you feel alive this is
your natural state of being this is what your life was intended to be tried to
live in a state of joy wandering gratitude these expansion positive
emotions feel good and raise your vibrational frequencies in this place of
love and joy you are one with God and you were always the magnet of all your
beauty and abundance that the world has to offer negative emotions on the other
hand such as hatred anger jealousy fear creat the opposite effect
they lower your vibration frequencies and make you feel anxious tense and
constricted they can create physical alignments ailments and disease negative
emotions variably create a sense of separation the feelings of disconnection
they're all like a stone wall a barrier to the joy from which and who you really
are these emotions are effectively blocking the flow of positive energy
into your life and will only serve to attract more negative energy so if
you've been holding on to feelings of anger fear resentment in betrayal now
it's time to let them go release those old thoughts and patterns of behavior
start living in the present by focusing on your pain and anger you were only
drawing even more negative and unhealthy circumstances into your life you need to
make room for the positive feelings and experiences that you want to attract
anger makes you smaller while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond
what you were Cherie Carter Scott forgiveness the act of forgiveness isn't
necessary and truly transfer transformational process the act of
forgiveness he must be willing to forgive any person any situation that
has caused you pain and release them by hanging on to all negative thoughts and
emotions who are only harming yourself in attracting even more negative
thoughts it has been said that when you are unwillingly to forgive someone
it is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to get sick so just
bless the person or the situation and wish them well
forgive them let them go and be willing to forgive yourself as well if need be
by acknowledging your positive past and releasing your negative past you can
also make room for the beautiful future true forgiveness is extremely cathartic
cathartic it will cleanse you and set you free it is an incredible powerful
process that once you would immediately shift from the place of pain and anger
to a higher vibrational frequency of love if you haven't forgiven yourself
something how can you expect to forgive others if you haven't forgiven yourself
something dolores huerta since the law of attraction responds to the energy
vibrations of your thoughts and emotions you need to focus your attention on the
things that bring you into a state of positive vibration many experts of the
law of attraction say that nothing is more important than feeling good so find
time to do things that bring you joy and make you happy listen to the music you
love take a walk on the beach do something nice for someone else treat
yourself well make a conscious decision to choose thoughts that you are positive
and be in a vibrational match with from which you
to attract into your life be intentional and deliberate in your creation of
positive feelings and circumstances and the universe will respond accordingly
you must bring yourself into an alignment from what you were asking for
from what your joy is from what your pre Shi ation is that's what the feelings
that has what feelings of passion is you must bring yourself into alignment from
what you are asking for that's what joy is that's what
appreciation is that's what the feeling of passion is but when you're feeling
despair or fear or anger then those are strong indicators that you are not
aligned right now with what you are asking for Esther Hicks remember nobody
else can tell you how to tell you how to feel only you can make that decision if
you find yourself feeling bad then you need to look at the creating of what it
is creating your negative feelings it's not an external thing it's you and the
judgments beliefs and ideas that you have about those external things so the
way you choose to perceive a situation will determine your emotional response
and you can deliberately choose to see anything and everything in a positive
light you must make a conscious decision to choose happiness choose optimism
choose to live in a place of constant gratitude and joy settle for nothing
less than magnificence in your life your emotional fuels your energy your
emotions fuel your energy and your energy fuels your future dwell not on
the past use it to illustrate a point then leave it behind nothing really
matters except for what you do now in this instant of time from this moment
onwards you can be entirely a different person from this moment onward an
entirely different person filled with love and understanding ready with all
outstretched hands uplifted and a positive aura in every thought indeed
Eileen caddy chapter 5 focus on the positive make a conscious decision to
focus on the positive the law of attraction doesn't filter out the
information we provide it doesn't decide what is better for us we have a free
will and we decide from which we want to focus our energy and our attention the
universe just reflects it back to us and the focus of our attention on something
either positive or negatively that will simply respond that with more of that so
there's really important for you to focus on what
do you want not what you don't want and what do you want anything you want want
it like it attract it it'll come right to you everything will it's really
important to focus on what you do want state your desires in a positive way
your mind works in pictures so if you say I don't want to be mad then you're
creating the picture in your vibrations of being mad the universe only receives
the frequency of mad and responds to that you must focus on the opposite of
what you don't want in this case it would be better of a choice to say I
want to be more loving and accepting of the way things are more loving and
accepting of the way things are once you replace negative thoughts with positive
ones you'll start having positive results Willie Nelson basically you need
to avoid sending mixed signals to the universe and those around you they will
hinder your ability to attract and manifest in a clear and powerful way for
example when you are against something you are actually recreating it you're
creating more of those things that that's from what you were trying to
eliminate if you are an anti-war think again the operative word there is war
and you exactly get more than you'll exactly get you will get more of that a
better choice is to be Pro peace the universe will receive the vibration of
peace and respond accordingly the war on terrorism has created more terrorism the
war on terrorism has created more terrorism violence attracts violence
love attracts more love make this simple change in your life make a conscious
effort to restructure way you think and speak and avoid giving any unnecessary
energy and the things you don't want in your life whenever possible avoid
subjecting yourself and your thoughts and your emotions to be to the negative
people and influences in your life we cannot become what we need to be by
remaining what we are max to pre be aware that negativity can be insidious
it sneaks into our lives through the evening news and daily paper it's such a
commonplace that it almost seems normal we have become nearly immune to the
daily doses of war crime violence corruption make a stand here refuse to
give it any attention you used to give it your focus you have to stop attending
to these things that you don't want stop talking about them stop reading about
them stop talking about how bad they are focus only on what you want to attract
more of try this just listen carefully to this stop from now
on a talking thinking reading saying anything that's just negative and start
talking and focus only on focus only on what you want to attract more of
remember what your attention goes your energy flows it's not surprisingly that
most of us have a tendency to phrase things in a negative way without
necessarily meaning to do so it's simply a bad habit remember from this point on
to focus only on what you do want do this not only with your own internal
thoughts but in your own communication and with others as well try to avoid the
use of any limiting or negative language every single thoughts you have every
word you speak sends a message to the universe you are continually placing
your order for the future of life experiences try replacing your negative
messages with positive ones here's a few examples instead of thinking I don't
want to be late think I want to be on time instead of
thinking I don't want to forget think I.
Want to remember instead of thinking I
can't think I am beginning to instead of saying don't slam the door say please
close the door gently instead of saying your rooms a mess say please keep your
room clean instead of saying stop making so much noise
please say please be a little more quiet think about this for a moment if you
tell someone don't knock the glass over you'll spill the milk what is the image
that pops in your mind naturally you envision the glass being knocked over in
the puddle of milk you need to avoid creating your thoughts and the pictures
and energy vibrations of the things that you don't want to stay focused on those
things and images and that are harmony with what you do want to create in your
life by doing so you will also avoid implanting the images of which you don't
want in the minds of others and in the universal mind we have a tendency to
focus on what we don't want in so many areas of our lives even when it comes to
our own health think of how often we face on an illness disease that we
become completely preoccupied with the problem and not the desired outcome we
tend to give our focus on entire the illness and all the entails instead of
focusing on being healthy since your focusing is expanded on what's directing
your energy and thoughts of those of being well keep your thoughts positive
and optimistic and see yourself as a healthy and whole this positive energy
thoughts and visual as they and affirmations prayer and meditation
combined with whatever medical treatments you choose to seek will serve
you to enhance the healing process remember in every aspect of your life
you can keep your focus on as much as possible as you want from of what it is
that you do want and not on what you don't want the secret of health care
both mind and body is not to mourn for the past worries about the future or to
anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly
Buddha think about how much time we typically spend each day discussing our
problems focusing on what's wrong in our lives from now on make a commitment to
shift your energy and start thinking and speaking on more positive in a more
positive way make it a point to start focusing on what is right in your life
start paying attention to where your attention is going and you'll be
surprised and realize just how frequently you think speak or act with
your focus inadvertently on the opposite of what you really want remember you are
always attracting something so stopped attracting what you don't want and start
attracting what you do want direct your attention only on those things that you
are worthy of and those things that are worthy of your energy and that are in
direct alignment with your dreams and goals by this way it's okay to notice
which you don't want just use it as a first step in your process of deciding
what you do want try to get out of the habit of giving it so much of your
energy and attention think about what you don't want just as long as enough to
help ident think about what you don't want just long enough to help identify
what it is that you do want this will tell you this will tell you by
comparison what it is that you would rather have and help provide you with
some sort of clarity remember to redirect your focus back to
the positive and move on become a vibrational match for the future you
desire focus on the good within yourself and others focus on the light and the
beauty in your life the person who sends out positive thoughts activates the
world around him positively and draws back to him positive results dr. Norman
vincent peale chapter 6 abundance abundance is a natural state of being
anything you wish for can flow effortlessly into your life if you
understand and apply the law of attraction we live in a world that seems
to emphasize scarce City and lack and yet the truth is this is an abundant
universe there's no scarcity there is no lack there's more than enough food money
Joe happiness spiritual fulfillment and love
for everyone if you want to create abundance of your life in your life then
focus on love be the love you want to attract become more loving and generous
with others and with yourself by creating the vibration of love you will
automatically draw more love into your life focus on whatever it is that you
want to create more of in your life and remember to be grateful for which you
already have gratitude itself is a form of abundance and it's a vibrational
frequency of gratitude and appreciation and it will automatically attract even
more to be grateful for abundance is not something we acquire it is something
that we tune into there's no scarcity of opportunity to make the living of what
we love there is only one scarcity of resolve to make it happen Wayne Dyer for
example if you want to create a financial abundance in your life then
start by focusing on your prosperity and money flowing into your life envision
the checks coming into the mail write yourself a check and there's some money
you wish to manifest this year post this in a visible location every time you see
it believe that it'll be possible make a donation to your favorite charity and
know that you can afford it you must be willing to give in order to receive
imagine just how amazing it will feel to complete a financial freedom get to that
point envision various things that you will do the places you will go how it
will change your life really let yourself just feel it as though you
already have the prosperity to contribute and give back within your
community imagine how good it feels to help others and really make a difference
in their lives remember to take a moment to be thankful for everything that you
already have by doing this you already creating vibrational matches for the
financial abundance that you want to attract into your future life now this
doesn't mean that you shouldn't also take action simply means that to take in
order to create a receive and abundance in your life you must be willing to move
towards your goals on an internal level as well as an external level you must be
clear about your desires in this case financial abundance believe it will
happen and as an extension of your belief you must be willing to take all
the normal logical action steps to mix that makes sense
along with any inspired actions that occur to you you must be willing to
follow your inspired impulses maintain a vibrational match of what you want to
attract and trust that the results are already being created for you you are no
longer fighting the current but moving effortless
downstream with the natural rhythm and flow of life whatever we are waiting for
peace of mind contentment grace the inner awareness of simple abundance it
will surely come to us but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and
grateful heart Sarab an breath knock the entire universe will support you
abundantly in every way when you want to move with this kind of purpose and
attention in the direction of your dreams it will respond to with the
vibrations of passion and commitment it will respond to the vibration of your
passion and commitment so start paying attention to many synchronous
synchronicities in your life and become aware the opportunities ideas people and
resources that you're attracting be open to them be willing to think outside the
box new opportunities will present
themselves in a surprising way and and and also in surprising ways do what you
love to do be passionate about it and believe in yourself if you're willing to
invest yourself wholeheartedly in your dreams then all that is necessary and
resources is to include money and the rest will follow
now if you're willing to invest yourself wholeheartedly in your dreams then all
the necessary resources including the money will follow
there's no order of difficulty in the universe there is no difficulty in the
order of the universe there is no scarcity of money in the world if you
are currently in debt then figure out a payment plan to commit to it and then
shift your focus away from debt and start focusing on wealth and how you're
creating it instead not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance
what we enjoy John petit Sen basically the universe will respond abundantly to
vibrations of whatever you are passionate about focused upon committed
to and which you truly believe is possible whatever you focus on expands
so don't allow yourself to entertain any limited thoughts or beliefs focus your
thoughts and feelings and energy instead on expansiveness and the unlimited
possibilities before you use the power of your conscious and subconscious mind
to create a vibrational match for the abundance you desire and deserve be sure
to also take the time to appreciate all the amazing abundance that is already
present in your life and open yourself up to receiving all the good that the
universe has to offer through the law of attraction the universe will respond to
the vibrations of your sense your gratitude and appreciation for even
greater abundance use the law of attraction to attract abundance in every
area of your life this is an abundant universe there are no limits just as the
ocean doesn't care if you come to it with a thimble a cup a bucket a tank car
of water neither does the universe abundant love joy health and wealth and
Happiness are yours for the asking they are your natural right all you have
to do is claim them you can have anything you want if you want it badly
enough you can be anything you want to be do anything set aside to accomplish
if you just hold that desire with singleness of purpose Abraham Lincoln chapter 7 purpose and passion find your
purpose and passion in life each one of us is born with a unique life purpose we
are all here for a reason and we are here to serve each other we are like
individual cells in a body each of us performing our own unique functions and
collectivity serving the being as a whole a life of purpose is not only a
true expression of who you really are it is your gift to the world and the world
needs what you have to offer when you're living your life on purpose you will
find greater fulfillment and joy and all that you do the universe will support
you in all of your end of wores when you are living in alignment with
your purpose your passion and your inner truth the purpose of life is to live a
life of purpose Richard later so you must take time to
look deeply within yourself and identify your own personal mission and purpose in
life this is best done through quiet contemplation prayer and meditation but
there are a few things that you can do right now to get started you could begin
to internalizing internalizing the facts that there are no accidents and that you
are indeed here on the planet for a reason you have a purpose in life and in
this world you and your contributions matter most of us are not really quiet
or quite clear about what our purpose is and we haven't taken the time to search
our souls to discover our true calling we've gotten sidetracked with bills
responsibilities work to little spare time to even find out what we can do to
even enjoy this is to compromise to who you really are and what you have to
offer the world you must give priority to discovering
your real mission in life you are not living to your fullest potential or
contributing to your fullest abilities unless you were living a life of purpose
your true passion should feel like breathing it's that natural Oprah
Winfrey here's how it works you've been given two clues a purpose throughout
your entire life you have your own complete unique gifts
talents interests strengths and qualities and you are meant to use them
the things that bring you the greatest joy in life and make you feel really
alive are another clue to your purpose so what it boils down to is really quite
simple you are meant to do what brings you joy and your gifts and talents are
meant to be have contribution to the world a life lived with purpose and
intention is one that will have honor and nourish your spirit in the deepest
level while simultaneously contributing to the world around you defining your
purpose take a few moments of still quiet time to clear your mind of any
distractions the techniques below are a way to logically begin the process of
defining your purpose but you must ultimately want to answer these
questions from a deeper place of consciousness through prayer and
meditation as well start by making a list of all the times that you can
remember in your life that you have made and made you feel most truly alive and
joyful all the times that made you feel most truly alive and joyful the times I
have felt the most alive and joyful write a list one through look closely at
this list and ask yourself which of these experiences has in common make a
note of it the common element is an indication of what brings you joy and
what brings you joy is an indication of your life's purpose now consider the
following question and write down your answers what are my natural gifts write
down these questions answers what are my natural gifts one through what are my
skills and talents one through what do I. Love to do one through when do I feel
the most alive write one through one of my passionate and what am i passionate
about what am i passionate about one through what brings me the greatest joy
in life one through when do I feel the best about myself
what are my personal strengths and characteristics
what if others always said that I'm really good at and how do I most enjoy
interacting with people and what would I. Change if the world what would I change
in the world if I could what are the common characteristics of your answers
of all these questions what are the common characteristics of your answers
to all of these questions what did these answers have in common with the list
that you've made earlier now ash through prayer and meditation for clarity and
divine guidance and inspiration has to be shown what you can do to the best of
your gifts for a joyful and joyful places within yourself to not only earn
a living but to be of service to the world
now take your answers from these questions and list and consolidate them
into two or three complete sentences you are in the process of defining your
life's purpose your personal mission statement based upon you authentically
of who you authentically are in your unique interests gifts talents and
passions and write down my life purpose in a paragraph of sentences my life
purpose by creating your life purpose statement you are defining who you are
and who you want to be and how you want to show up in the world and hope in your
mind in your heart to the possibilities that already exist and listen to the
answers in your prayers and become aware of the ideas inspiration and
opportunities that present themselves things will begin to unfold for you
exactly the way they are meant to and within the timeframe that you serve the
highest good follow your inspired thoughts and ideas and dream big you
don't have to know exactly how to turn your mission statement into reality yet
but once you defined your purpose just be open to a various possibilities that
arise for you be willing to let go and let God if you want to be happy set a
goal that commands your thoughts liberates your energy and inspires your
hope Andrew Carnegie be willing to let go and let God whenever you're doing
what you love and passionate about the universe will automatically respond
through the law of attraction and support you in every way imagine your
life and work filled with the meaning and purpose and passion imagine how good
it feels to do what you love to do and have fun doing it make money and make a
significant difference in the world the happiest most successful
people in life are those who've managed to structure their careers and
activities around their gifts and passions in life by doing so you have
attracted all the ideas resources people finances that were needed to create the
lives of your dreams these have and they have created a
vibrational match for joy and abundance in their lies by identifying their
purpose believing in their dreams and moving forward confidently in the
direction of their goals and desires start living consciously and on purpose
on purpose everything that you do every activity that you participate in should
be in alignment with your joy higher truth and your mission in life don't
withhold you two gifts and talents from world and a lot from the world any
longer a life lived with purpose and attention is one that is fulfilled on
every level work is meant to be fun life is meant to be fun the world needs you
to have that to offer you were put on this earth for a reason and you must
begin to honor that reason let all that you do flow from your purpose and
passion and you will experience and attract true happiness abundance and
success Peter life create a life filled with
passion and significance create a life of purpose follow your bliss there is
one quality that one must possess to win and that is the definis the definiteness
of purpose and the knowledge of what one wants and the burning desire to possess
it Napoleon Hill chapter 8 define your dreams what are your dreams give deep
thought to what you want to create in your life consider each of the various
areas of your life and focus on what you do want not what you don't get in touch
with your inner truth your authentic dreams goals your heartfelt desires
honor these and own them without fear shame or inhibition your dreams and
desires are not subject to anyone elses approval they are yours and yours alone
but you have to define them in order to achieve them you deserve you deserve to
have whatever you truly want in your life and all of your dreams are valid if
they are important to you it doesn't matter if your dream is romantic
relationships new car new skill vacation financial prosperity and by the way
contrary to popular belief there's nothing wrong with desiring financial
wealth you can do a lot of good in the world with greater financial assets in
the bank it's only the attachment to money that
becomes problematic so just remember that you must give in order to receive
and keep your intentions high your dreams and aspirations should serve to
ignite a passion within you and this passion will not only inspire you to
achieve them it also send a positive vibrational frequency out into the world
naturally the law of attraction the universe will respond accordingly
remember that all things are possible don't limit or censor your visions for
the future you must believe in yourself and believe that you are worthy keep all
of your actions dreams goals desires in alignment with your life's purpose
decide what you really want your future to look like we've got to have a dream
if we're going to make a dream come true Denis Waitley there are seven important
areas of your life from which you might want to consider as you begin to define
your goals and dreams seven key areas in life number one personal goals which are
things you want to do be and have relationships with friends family
romantics and coworkers health and body your wellness fitness
body image career and education your job school career goals recreation sports
hobbies fun vacations financial income savings and investments contribution to
charities and community service Jevon idea which a personal goals and
aspirations really are have you identified your life's purpose what is
that you love to do what are you passionate about what do you want to
accomplish where do you want to go what do you want to be what can you give to
others what causes speak to you what are your intentions unfortunately most of us
has given little time to the thought of these questions if we've gotten so
caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines that we just haven't
taken the time we're pretty good at itemizing the things that we haven't and
haven't been going so well and the things that we have to complain about so
we're pretty clear about what we don't want but haven't given the consideration
to what we in order to attract what you want in
life you must first take time to clearly identify your dreams and desires to the
person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind
sanika think of it like this when you go into your local Starbucks you place your
did you say I don't want tea I don't want expresso and I don't want
cappuccino of course not you place your order for a tall nonfat mocha easy
chocolate easy extra whipped cream total clarity specific specify and the
absolute confidence that you will get exactly what you desired to operate in
harmony with the law of attraction you must place your order for life in the
same way you need to clarify your goals be specific stop settling for whatever
just happens to come your way in life and take ownership of the fact that you
can actively participate in the creation of your own future by clearly stating
your desires the bottom line is this is if you don't really know exactly what it
is you're asking for then how can you expect to get it so it is imperative
that you take the time to decide what you really want to attract into your
life write it down and be perfectly clear about it you must see your goals
clearly and specifically before you can set out for them hold them in your mind
until they become second nature Les Brown create your dream list your dream
list will be a comprehensive overview of your dreams goals and desires it will
represent what you want what to be what do you want to be what you want to do
what you want to have it will achieve in these areas of your life later on you
want to prioritize your list and focus on the attention on the certain areas
but now it is better you just go ahead and look at the bigger picture there are
a few techniques that you can use to help you identify your desires clarify
your goals to identify your desires and clarify your goals the first technique
is the patient of a t-chart it's a type of chart you see the example
provided it's a very effective way to identify what you do want to do in your
life looking briefly the things you don't want consider each of the seven
keys areas of your life to address one area subject has at a time such as a
career personal goals relationships you decide what your particular topic within
that area is for instance within the relationship category of your life you
may want to focus on the topic as my ideal romantic relationship on the
top and start by writing a line down the middle of the paper and that's your
teach art what I don't want will be on the left all the things you don't want
on the right will be all the things you do want and write a list and the chart
writing it down you don't want areas of your life in the column and then in the
other column turn it around and make it the opposite statement saying what it is
that you do want I suggest creating a t-chart for each
area of your life and listing and what it is that you don't want in the left
side and listing the things you do one on the right side stating it in a
positive way they'll charge for each area of your life on the pages to follow
so by the way this is just an example of it being okay to start noticing with
what you don't want in order to really clarify what you do want to attract in
your life see when you clarify clearly what you don't want then you make it
obvious what it is you do want in your life to attract into your life it is
often helpful to take a brief look at what you don't want here's an example of
this type of chart subject would be relationship subject and that would be
my ideal romantic relationship would be the topic what I don't want on the Left
column someone who watches TV all weekend a smoker or a drinker an angry
or abusive person on the right you'd put what I do want someone who enjoys an
active lifestyle someone who cares about their health and a kind of compassionate
person to use these charts to appear on the following pages for each of the
seven areas of your life and this will help you clarify your goals and desires
when you have completed then go back and cross off the don't once list on the
left side of each of the charts and from now on just use the right side of each
of these lists they focus on what you do want in your life and there's no need to
give any further attention to the energy of the list of what you don't want and
by the way let simple active crossing out which you don't want is empowering
and it feels good so when you finish combine the list of things that you do
want to do on a single list and you can do a dream list of pages a dream list
page and pages will will provide to use on a separate piece of paper but be sure
to write out your dreams and goals in complete sentences and leave some room
for expansion this is the beginning of your dream list by filling out these
pages you will be one step closer to achieving them clarity is power
buckminster fuller clarity is power you will want to be thorough when you
make your dream list for instance you don't want to get out of the house and
you don't want to get the house of your dreams only to realize that you can't
afford the mortgage and forget to really specify your financial goals so be
specific comprehensive as possible once you are finished there are a few
questions that you might want to consider in defining your dreams so take
a few minutes to review the questions on page 80 and when we can appropriate
addition to your dream list and make any appropriate additions to your dream list
here are charts for each of the seven key areas in your life and dream list
the charts the personal goals is the subject personal goals what I do want
what I don't want second subject is relationships what I do want what I
don't want health and body what I do want what I don't want career in
education recreation financial and contribution then make a dream list a
dream list one through fifty and ask yourself the following questions what is
my life purpose what are my dreams what are my goals what am i grateful for what
makes me happy how would I like to grow personally how would I like to grow
spiritually how is my perfect relationship look like what would my
ideal family life consist of what is something that I've always wanted to do
what would I like more of in my life what would I like to do more of in my
life what would I like to do in my life where do I want to travel where would I
like to live what would my dream home be like what career could I ideally choose
or create for myself what are my financial goals how can I give back
within my community which causes our charities I'd like do I like to be more
involved with if I could change the world how would I make it a better place
how would I make it a better place the questions on the previous page may
inspire you and help you identify the additional dreams goals and desires and
take your time give these questions some serious thought and consideration and
add any of these responses that you wish to on your dream list the first
principle of success is desire knowing what you want desire is planting
the seed Robert Collier 101 goals list there are no limits on your dreams and
goals the whole world is out there just waiting for you this is an inspirational
technique that you might want to try as well a great process for clarifying some
of your more long-term goals and dreams is to make a list of 101 goals
that you'd like to accomplish before you die 101 things that you would like to be
or do or have at age 15 John Goddard the world famous adventurer made a list of a
hundred twenty seven goals when he was 15 he wanted to achieve before he died
he included things like visiting the great pyramids learned scuba diving
Great Wall of China visit climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and reading the entire
Encyclopedia Britannica he is now in his 70s and has achieved 109 of his goal
list in his late twenties Lou Holtz former football coach of Notre Dame
wrote down 108 goals he wanted to achieve including winning a national
championship eating dinner at the White House meeting the Pope landing a plane
on an aircraft carrier he is also in his 70s and he's achieved 102 of his 108
goals inspired by both stories I made a list of 109 goals
17 years ago so far I've achieved 63 of those goals
typing 50 words a minute appearing in a movie learning to ski windsurfing
writing my best-selling book traveling to various exotic locations buying my
dream house having a syndicated newspaper column my writing down at the
list of 101 goals see following pages and review it your list every week so
you can activate the law of attraction to set up these circumstances that will
help you achieve them you will begin to notice the kinds of seemingly miraculous
events occurring in your life some goals will take longer to achieve than others
but they can all eventually come true this list of lifetime goals may inspire
some additions to your dream list as well you are successful the moment you
start moving towards a worthwhile goal Chuck Carlson by the way if your goals
and dreams benefit others as well as yourself and the vibration of the
intentions resonates in higher frequency think of the ways to contribute to your
family friends or community you open to finding a cause that really speaks to
you personally get involved in it start tipping with your time and dreams and
donations and because we are really all connected you can
to others is also a commitment to yourself as you achieve the various
goals of your hundred one goals list you will want to highlight them or note a
date of your accomplishment this act alone is empowering and it also gives a
way of an acknowledgement to the law of attraction at work in your life my
hundred and one goals list right hundred through hundred and one goals vision is
the art of seeing the invisible Jonathan Swift by now you should have really
well-rounded dreamed list going and looked over your specific goals in each
era of your life and you should have looked at your goals for the course of
your lifetime you've identified your purpose of your dreams clearly stated
which you want to create in your life some of your goals may be short term
goals like losing 25 pounds or taking a vacation to Italy others may be long
term such as transforming the education system increasing environmental
awareness in your community or becoming a millionaire prioritize your dream list
take a few minutes now to prioritize your list and think about which goals
and dreams best support your personal mission and statement in your mission
statement which are the ones that are most important to you at this time of
your life highlight and underline those items concentrate your focus for right
now on these particular goals and dreams the ones that you want to work on first
your focus thoughts and energy will facilitate the manifestation of those
specific goals and dreams with your focus and thoughts and energy you will
come back to the rest of your list and sheer act of creating the list has
already sent a message out into the universe but start with the things that
emit most of your point in life remember that your dreams and goals may be
changing and may change or evolve over the years and as you continue to grow
and achieve more your goals will probably grow as much if you limit your
choices only to what seems possible or reasonable you disconnect yourself from
what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise Robert fritz
dream big don't censor your dreams are a vision with the practicalities and
probabilities you don't need to know every single step that will take to
achieve your goal just decide what you want know that you deserve it believe
that you can have it then release it and let it go like it doesn't even matter
open yourself up to infinite possibilities watch the miracles unfold
all you have to do is decide what you want no you deserve it
believe you can have it and then release it and let it go
hoping yourself up to the infinite possibilities watch the miracles unfold
now consider this possibility if you can figure it out all out on your own then
you dream may not be big enough you have created your dream list you have placed
your order with the universe it is written request for the future all your
dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them Walt Disney chapter nine living the law of
attraction the first step in living the law of attraction is to understand how
it works in our lives in the previous chapters we've discussed not only the
law of attraction and the way it works in our lives but also taking a look at
who we are what we are our connection to the universal source and the role that
we played in creating our lives up until now we've been taking a look at just how
powerful our thoughts and emotions are we discuss the importance of releasing
the negative and staying in the positive emotional state of attraction in order
to be in a vibrational match for our dreams and desires we've acknowledged
the amazing agility of our own subconscious mind and the importance of
utilizing its unlimited potential to help us attract and create the lives
that we've only dreamed of in the past now we've only taken the time to define
we have also now taken the time to define our purpose dreams and goals and
clarify what it is that we want to attract in our lives now that you
understand a little bit more of how to attract and - how to participate in the
process of the law of attraction you can begin to take responsibility for
everything that you are currently of currently in the process of attracting
into your life you are now aware of the role you play in creating your life you
can no longer create your future accidentally or by default taking this
to heart because this is your moment your time to begin consciously
intentionally and deliberately participating in the creation of the
future that you desire by now you have a pretty good idea of who you are who you
want to be where you want to go in life and you have a clear vision of what it
is you want to do be in half you actually have a desired outcome a
destination and the minds now and it's the desired outcome like programming in
internal GPS system to your chosen destination
now that you know where you want to go the universe will guide you and lead you
there through the law of attraction create your future from your future not
your past we're in our ernhardt tools for living the law of attraction and the
chapters to follow you will learn and look at various methods and tools that
will help you create and maintain constant states of joy and positive
energy we will address several techniques for stimulating and
strengthening your connection to your subconscious mind and inspiring your
positive thoughts and emotions in this section we will also discuss prayer
meditation affirmations visualizations attitude appreciation action and faith
we will address how to actively become a vibrational match for what it is you
want to draw into your life these tools and techniques will help you make it
necessary changes in your life and they will help you harness the power of your
subconscious mind as well as the power of the universe
Jack Camp Phil's dream big create the big life of your dreams by dreaming big
on to this journey we would like to offer you audios inspirational
wallpapers visit calm the fully life to fully live in the law of attraction and
create the life of your dreams use your affirmations daily use your gratitude
journal daily use your vision both daily use the time that you spend in a day in
prayer on meditation stay true to your purpose believing your dreams focus on
the positive live in a state of constant gratitude visualize the life you desire
be passionate about life be generous be happy do the things that make you feel
good find the best in every situation listen to your inner voice respond to
internal and external feedback follow through on your inspired thoughts be
aware of the miracles all around you be willing to take risks move forward with
confidence acknowledge the changes that you see and feel remember the law of
attraction remember the law of attraction trust release it to God
source the universe this is the key to unlocking the law of attraction this is
the key to your future it's time to internalize you new positive emotions
thought patterns and beliefs time to really see the future
you desire feel the emotions it evokes and believe that this is possible it's
time to begin living the law of attraction it's time to begin living
your life of your dreams to accomplish great things we must not only act we
must also dream but not only plan but also believe Anatole France chapter 10
affirmations affirmations are one of the most powerful ways to create a
vibrational match for what you want to attract in your life affirmations every
thought you think every words you say is an affirmation your thoughts and words
are declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world to be
every time you think a negative thought or make a self-deprecating comment you
are actually affirming it's a personal truth fortunately the same holds true
for positive thoughts and statements strong positive affirmations or powerful
means for self transformation they work as a key element in creating your life
and the life you desire and creating it as a life that you desire they work by
purposely replacing limited ideas negative beliefs and self-talk that you
have taken on and internalized over the years with positive statements that
assert we have changed it with positive statements that assert who you want to
be and how you want to experience life the goal here is to create positive self
affirming self empowering statements that uplift uplift you and inspire you
that raise your emotion setpoint there are two types of affirmations that we
will be addressing a positive affirmation and a goal specific
affirmation for save yourself what you would be then do what you have to do
episode ettus epictetus positive affirmations positive affirmations
simply affirm your positive beliefs about yourself and about life examples
of positive affirmations is my life is abundant in every way I am successful in
all that I do my life is filled with love and beauty I'm grateful for each
experience in my life I'm divinely guided and protected I'm
attracting joy into my life I am excited to be alive I believe in all things
I believe that all things are possible I.
Am loved I can do anything I make a
difference in this world these simple declarations of who you
want to be and how you want to feel are extremely powerful
they help replace negative limited beliefs that you have taken on in the
past these old negative subconscious thoughts are actually reprogrammed
through the use of these positive affirmations into a strong positive
feelings and images you will want to create your own positive affirmations
and use them on a daily basis we have created a place for you to write them
down on the pages to follow all of your information z' will work best when they
are read and repeated several times a day read and repeated several times a
day be consistent it usually takes about 30 days to reprogram even internal
thoughts or thought patterns say your positive affirmations aloud with feeling
and experience the emotions that they have vote for you constant repetition
carries conviction for ever more powerful results you can repeat the
while making eye contact with yourself in the mirror affirm just how wonderful
you are and how great your life is feel it believe it fully receive it with all
of your being you are recreating a self image building a positive attitude and
internalizing a more positive belief system goal specific affirmations goal
specific affirmations are firm your specific dreams they affirm your
specific dreams desires and goals as having already been completed goal
specific affirmations or statements that describe a goal that's already been
completed state such as I'm celebrating the feeling light and alive I'm
celebrating feeling light and alive and my perfect body weight of 165 these
affirmations will help you create an emotional experience of having already
attracted what it is and what you want the feeling of joy and happiness
exhilaration excitement confidence relief inner peace and so on are the
vibrational matches for the physical manifestation that you want to attract
every thought we think is creating our future these affirmations create a part
of that positive expectation that will achieve these goals they will increase
your desire and motivation to act on these goals and dreams in addition to
that they actually do something pretty amazing
they begin to literally reprogram the reticular activating system in your
brain so that your start to become more aware of people money resources ideas
that will help you achieve the goals these resources were always present but
your brain is actually filtering them out through the regular use of your
affirmations you will reprogram the filter and expand your perception and
awareness here are a few guidelines for creating your own goals specific
affirmations affirmations are positive they avoid using words not in any
affirmations affirmations are stated in the present tense believe it's already
so affirmations are fairly short are there specific being your
affirmation with I am begin it with I am or we are affirmations use action words
feel the emotion when you say the affirmation affirmations use action
words affirmations are personal make affirmations more of your own behavior
not others here's a few examples of goal specific affirmations I'm feeling
exhilarated and alive snowboarding down the mountain face on this perfect winter
day I'm feeling proud as I stand looking at the house that I have helped to build
for the Habitat for Humanity I'm excited watching orders pour in over the
internet from my new products I'm feeling so proud to be graduating at the
top of my class with honors I'm looking around me at the faces of the children
I'm helping and I'm thrilled to know that I have already made a difference in
their life I'm thankful receiving another perfect bill of health from my
doctor I'm feeling relaxed and grateful to be sitting here on the beach in
Hawaii with my toes buried in the warm sand feeling the warmth of the Sun on my
face I'm thrilled to open the mailbox and find that yet another cheque is
arrived I'm happily watching my family as they laugh and frolic in the snow I'm
joyfully driving my new Lexus LS 430 down Pacific Coast Highway I'm
effectively communicating my needs and desires to my family I'm feeling joyful
and content as I gaze lovingly into the eyes of my partner I'm happily stepping
through the door of my brand-new Dream Home it's not what is available or
unavailable that determines your level of success or
happiness it's what you convinced yourself is true dr. Wayne Dyer now go
ahead and take a few minutes to develop your own positive goal specific
affirmations creating strong personal affirmations that reinforce your
positive beliefs and replace any negative self-talk with strong positive
statements use the chart on your following pages and write them down you
will want to refer to your dream list to keep those desires and goals in mind as
you write down your specific affirmations my positive affirmations
list my goal specific affirmations list how do you use your affirmations number
one repeat your affirmations at least three times a day the best times are the
first thing in the morning the middle of the day then around bedtime work in
depth with a few affirmations this is much more effective than working less
frequently with a greater number of them say your affirmations allow if possible
if not read them sign laying yourself to yourself close your eyes and visualize
as your affirmation describes see the scene through your eyes as if it were
happening around you just the way you would see it in real life give a sound
see the images that are present when you successfully achieve your affirmation
and what it describes including any other people that would be there hear
their words of encouragement and congratulations feel the emotion that
would experience that you'd experience when you achieve the goal this stronger
your feelings are the more powerful the impact repeat this entire process each
of your affirmations may also want to try writing your affirmations down on
either piece of paper 1020 times a day this is another powerful way to
internalize them and imprint them into your subconscious mind is to write it
down your affirmations or goal 20 times a day we are what repeatedly what we
repeatedly do excellence then is not in action but a habit Aristotle by
repeating and visualizing affirmations in this way you are maximizing the
effect of each one and what that means to you personally the law of attraction
will respond to energy thoughts images feelings created by each affirmations
and your subconscious mind will respond to each storing new beliefs and treating
them as reality remember your subconscious mind can't
tell the difference between what is real and what is vividly imaged so if you
find the negative of them two responses such as doubt or
skepticism keep emerging your mind as you're saying the affirmations when you
may not want to use one of them releasing techniques when referring to
Chapter three you can also create new affirmations that are opposite of each
of the negative thoughts and add these to your daily routine make a commitment
to use the affirmations every single day let them become personal ritual
something you'd like to look forward to doing your affirmations this is how we
reprogram ourselves the repetition Association and emotion the level of an
emotional intensity that you feel while using your affirmations will determine
the intensity of the attraction that you creates you are literally reprogramming
your beliefs about yourself the world you live in with each affirmation the
thing you set your mind on is the thing you ultimately become Nathaniel
Hawthorne chapter 11 visualization your ability to visualize your dreams will
serve as a catalyst in their creation visualization exercises and techniques
are incredibly powerful some psychologists are now claiming that
one-hour visualization is worth seven hours of Psych physical effort remember
your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between real experience and
vividly imaged experiences it can differentiate between you're remembering
pretending or actually experiencing the event it responds to all of them equally
though various visualization techniques can help you fully experience any
situation as though it were real you can create emotional and physiology
psychological responses and physiological responses to the situation
you're visualizing your subconscious mind will internalize this information
in stored is truth and the universe will respond to this vibrational energy with
the manifestation that it matches visualization is daydreaming with a
purpose beau Bennett here's an example of two part visualization exercises that
paints a vivid picture in your mind and brings home the fact that your thoughts
and emotions influence your body as well as you read the part 1 notice how you
feel emotionally physically and pay attention to how those feelings and
sensations differ and part of two of the example the skyscraper visualization
part 1 take a deep breath and let yourself relax imagine that you're
standing in the middle of a all terrorists on the top of the tallest
skyscraper in the entire world also imagine that this Terrace has no railing
there's nothing at all between you and the vertical drop as you're standing
there look down at your feet notice that there's a terrace and what it's made of
and how you're standing on the tile concrete asphalt wood or stone notice
the weather is nice the sun is shining and there's a soft cool breeze that you
can feel in the warmth of the Sun on your face and your arms
what noises do you hear maybe there's some pigeons or some birds up there
maybe you can hear a helicopter flying by or Street noises far below now walk
out to the very edge of the terrace and put your toes right against the edge
look down the street far far below see how incredibly small everything appears
to be from way up here now as you're doing this notice how you're feeling now
slowly walk back to the center of the terrace still remembering just how you
felt when you were standing at the edge and looking down most people will not
notice and will notice most people will notice some type of emotional and
physical reaction you may have felt fear or heart racing or palms of sweatiness
dizziness or nausea you may have experienced a feeling of tension or fear
part 2 take a deep breath and let yourself relax imagine more that you're
standing on top of the same Terrace on top of the same skyscraper as before
only this time you have a beautiful white feathered wings and you are
totally confident and the ability to fly you realize that this is totally safe so
you let yourself watch at the edge of the terrace and right when you get there
you gently bend your knees push off and fly and notice what it feels like to fly
feel the wind rushing beneath your wings as you soar and glide effortlessly
through the sky feel the exhilaration and the freedom after a while let
yourself fly to any place on the planet that you really would like to go right
now it might be a favorite vacation spot or a place you'd like to and want to see
or just want to be alone a special place that you're that you care about and when
you get there just let yourself gently land and spend a few moments enjoying
yourself doing whatever you would like to do there and notice how you feel
right now physically and emotionally prepare the different emotional physical
reactions in part 1 part 2 of the visualizations
notice the lightness joy the sense of expansion you feel in part 2 of this
example now think about this for a moment you haven't gone anywhere you
haven't left the room you've only taken a few minutes to visually imagine these
two experiences and yet probably felt very distinct and different emotional
and physiological changes is occurring the vivid images you created in your own
mind were completely real to your subconscious mind and it responded to
your imagined experiences on an emotional and physiological level as
though it was actually occurring you are responsible for the images that you
create in your own mind so if you spend the time and energy imagining the
worst-case scenarios in your life and then then you are physically and
emotionally responding to those images and attracting the very same type of
negative energy and circumstances into your life you must choose to visualize
positive inspirational uplifting images in order to create a vibrational match
40 days you want to attract in your life this is the power of visualization
formulate and stamp intelligibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as a
succeeding hold this picture of tenaciously never permitted to fade your
mind will seek to develop the picture dr. Norman vincent peale again formulate
a stamp and eligibly intelligibly in your mind a mental picture of
yourself as succeeding hold this picture tenaciously never permit it to fade the
mind will seek to develop the picture creat your day create your day with this
simple visualization sit in a comfortable upright position
close your eyes bring your hands together fingertips touching in your lap
with your spine nice and straight take several slow deep breaths inhaling
through your nose exhaling through your mouth concentrate on the rise and fall
of your stomach chest with each bag and breath and each breath find yourself
becoming more and more relaxed now just let your breath find its own natural
rhythm slow steady relaxed imagine a radiant white light slowly coming up on
the left side of your body starting at your left foot gradually coming up your
left leg your left side of your torso shoulders to your neck and face moving
right up to the top of your head slowly moving down the right side of
your face to your neck shoulders torso hip down your leg feeling each and every
cell in your body with a radiant white light now go ahead and do this twice
more with your own pace visualizing an experiencing pure white light coming up
on the left side of your body and down the right with your fingertips still
joining in the lab begin a period of concentration you may choose to
concentrate on a visual symbol images such as a flower or source of white
light still Lake anything from which you wish to silently repeat or a word or a
seed thoughts or mantra such as peace or joy or I am loved silently repeat the
image or thought over and over again without letting other thoughts come into
your mind if your mind does begin to wander just bring it gently back to your
point of concentration and know that your ability to stay focused will
increase with practice next is receptively and observation
receptivity receptivity and observation separate your hands and place them with
palms facing upward in your lap relax your mind and just notice and observe
wherever your attention goes to thoughts memories planning images worries
sensations or insights just notice and observe from neutral positions and now
completion close both hands lightly and again imagine a luminous white light
surrounding you filling you and protecting you while you were still
surrounded by this white light visualize this day in the way you would like it to
go you may have to adjust the to unforeseen circumstances the events that
show up will go ahead and create your day the way you want it to be paying
special attention to how you want it to be how you want to act and how you want
to feel today visualize yourself manifesting the qualities you choose for
yourself such as love joy courage strength patience perseverance see
yourself interacting with others with a calm self assurance
enthusiasm and clarity see yourself communicating clearly stating the
desires and intentions asking for and getting the nurturing you want now see
the specific steps that you will take to achieving your most important goals and
create your day the way you want to go see the faces and hear the voices of
important peace or in your life congratulating you on
the achievements of your goals and the quality of your being and now imagine
the emotions you feel when you're living the day that you want to do it the way
you would want to go create those feelings in your body right now take a
few deep breaths and once again place your awareness on the rise and fall of
your stomach and the chest as you breathe deeply in and out then when
you're ready slowly open your eyes and know that this will be a beautiful day
aim not for what you are but for what you could be
Lucas Helmer your vision book your vision book is probably the most
valuable tool your vision book it's your map of the future a tangible
representation of where you're going represents your dreams goals and your
ideal life because your mind respond strongly to visual stimulation by
representing your desires with pictures images that you actually strengthen
enhance the vibrational levels than saying a picture is worth a thousand
words certainly holds true here visualized images pictures of stimulates
your emotions and your emotions are vibrational energies that activate laws
of attraction you have already defined your dreams now it's time to Ellis trait
them visually this world is but a canvas to our imaginations Henry David Thoreau
create a personal vision book that clearly despites the future you wish to
create to find pictures and represent symbolise experiences feelings
possessions that you want to attract into your life place them in your book
have fun with the process use photographs magazine cutouts pictures
internet whatever inspires you be creative clue not only pictures but
anything that speaks to you consider including pictures of yourself in your
book if you do choose one that was taken in a happy moment you'll also want to
post affirmations inspirational words quotations thoughts here choose words
and images that inspire you make you feel good
this is a book unlike any other book you are the author you are the artist this
is your map we have created unique series of visual books designed
specifically for adults teens children completed with inspirational quotes
quotations affirmations blank templates which can create your own this book is a
sacred space it's a place to define your honor or your dreams goals and desires
your vision book is a book unlike any other you are the author
just add dreams you can use your vision book to just big goals dreams and all
the areas of your life in just one specific area that you are focusing on
keep your last purpose in mind and refer to the list that you created when
defining your dreams keep it neat be selective about the place you are in
your vision book it's not a good idea to avoid creating or cluttering your
chaotic book you don't want to attract chaos into your life now remember these
are your dreams so choose them well use only the words and images that best
represents your purpose your golden future that inspire positive emotion in
you there's beauty and simplicity again there's beauty and simplicity there's
beauty and simplicity and in clarity too many images and too much information
will be distracting and harder to focus on if you are working on visualization
creating changes in many other areas of your life then you may want to use more
of one vision book for instance you might use a vision book for your
personal goals dreams another for your career and financial goals you might
want to keep one for your vision of your office and the means of inspirational
and affirmations at the office how do you use your vision book try keeping
your vision book on the nightstand next to your bed leave it standing open or in
a position often to where it's comfortable with spend time each morning
evening visualizing a firm affirming believing in eternal izing the goals
time you spend visualizing in the events just before bed is especially powerful
the thoughts and images present in your mind during the last 45 minutes before
you go to sleep are the ones that will replay themselves repeatedly in your
subconscious mind throughout the night and the thoughts and images that you
begin each day will help you create a vibrational match for the future you
desire has some time goes by in your dreams you'll begin to manifest and look
at these images that represent your achievements and for gratitude and how
long and well you law of attraction is working in your life acknowledge that it
is working don't remove the pictures or images that represent the goals you've
already achieved these are powerful visual reminders of what you've already
consciously deliberately attracted into your life now remember to write down the
date you created your vision book Universe loves speed and you'll be
amazed just how quickly the law of attraction responds to your energy
commitment and desires much like time capsules this book will document your
personal journey your dreams and your achievements for that particular year
it'll become a record of your growth awareness and expansion that you want to
keep and back upon the years the biggest
adventure that you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams Oprah
Winfrey it's a good idea to create a new vision book each year as you continue to
grow evolve expand your dreams and aspirations also continue to grow evolve
and expand and those help you continue to stay focused motivate and inspired
you might want to make this new tradition within your family and if you
have children or younger siblings help them to create their own book and
encourage their dreams too you will be amazed on how truly insightful
empowering and inspirational and fun this process can be this vision books
this vision books are meant to keep and be kept and cherished The Chronicle is
not over your dreams and growth of achievements but there's nothing more
precious than your dreams in this book then it's the face of your dreams these
beautiful words and pictures represent your future they create a vibrational
match for what you want to attract and create in your life using your vision
book look at your vision book often and feel the inspiration it provides hold it
in your hands and really unintelligent read your affirmations and inspirational
words aloud see yourself living in the manner fill yourself in the future that
you've designed believe it it's already yours be grateful for the good that's
already present in your life acknowledge any goals that you've already achieved
acknowledge the changes that you've seen and fail to acknowledge the presence of
God in your life acknowledge the law of attraction at work in your life and look
at just before going to bed look at it and the first thing you look at upon
arising envision your future imagine the possibilities and know that they are
real a dream is your creative vision of your life in the future you must break
out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar
and the unknown Denis Waitley chapter 12 attitude your attitude can
make or break almost any situation it's the energy that you bring into the room
you can have a positive attitude about the events in your life and you can come
from a place of complaint misery but you decide you can consciously choose to
respond in a positive way in almost any event or circumstance positive attitude
is simply a choice you make you could change your attitude and change
life any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude towards it for
that determines our success or failure dr. Norman vincent peale now we all know
people with negative attitudes they are not the ones who are constantly on the
who complain whine and moan nothing seems to go right
for them they are perpetual victims of life their unpleasant to be around and
they seem quite literally they bring us down this is because they are operating
on a lower frequency through the law of attraction they are attracting even more
lower energies of complaint what they complain about and the reasons they stay
stuck in their negative lifestyle is because they are constantly focusing on
the thoughts and energy on negative presence and negative past by doing so
they are creating the same future over and over remember you are continually
talking about what you continually talking about comes about on the other
hand we also know people with positive attitudes the ones who always seem to be
happy the ones who really seem to have a handle on the things in life they're
more fun they have energy levels and they feel great they're fun to be around
they are operating on a higher frequency good things always seem to just come
their way no matter how they are they're always happy through the law of
attraction they're actively participating in the creation of a happy
life by focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of their current life
they have put positive expectations for a great future people are just as happy
as they make up their own minds to be Abraham Lincoln surround yourself with
these positive nourishing uplifting people whenever you can spend your time
spiritually evolved people who love and support you in healthy ways those armed
encourage your growth and apply your successes wrap it up and support network
and inspirational people with positive attitudes and energy they also want to
consider finding a place of worship charity organization a place where you
will worship some more the group have an alignment with your desires for personal
growth you can also form your own little small group of people who share common
interests and goals there's a power in numbers and higher mindset goals is it
becomes present with groups such as this by gathering together on a regular basis
with the stated purpose and intention you'll all experience a greater growth
and result in a shorter period of time the Assembly of the mastermind group is
that it provides a unique form of shared ideas feedback brainstorming honesty
accountability and inspiration it has been proven tool a proven tool
for growth and success on an on a business level for many years Henry Ford
Thomas Edison Napoleon Hill Harvey Firestone Andrew Carnegie were all
members of similar mastermind groups I.
Never did in a day's work in my life it
was all fun Thomas Edison so how do we deal with negative people in our lives
first of all remember that you are not responsible for their level of growth or
consciousness you can only be an example to let them keep the energy vibration as
high as possible you cannot teach them anything that they're not already
willing to learn keep in mind however that nobody is completely negative you
could focus on some good qualities that do exist in them and appreciate the
qualities that they have that are working within the context of your
relationship you can also acknowledge some things about them that you do like
and admire and this may encourage them to express more of the positive
qualities don't judge the negative people in your life simply limit your
time and interactions with them as much as possible to avoid them completely if
you can and try to be an example of more positive attitudes obviously these
people are family members of co-workers it's difficult to avoid them all
together just do your best to avoid any issues or
conflict keep the attitude positive and don't engage yourself emotionally in
conflict when it does arise ultimately you'll need to decide whether or not you
want to keep these relationships in life at all
your attitude is crucial it affects your emotions your emotions in turn affect
the energy field around you and simultaneously place your order with the
universe for more of the same so your attitude will give you exactly what your
attitude is take a close honest look at your attitude in various areas of your
life is there room for improvement the art of being happy lies on the power of
extracting happiness from common things Henry Ward Beecher try changing your
attitude and finding pleasure in the simple things of life we all have daily
tasks and mundane chores is typically dreaded in the past why not challenge
yourself to turn even those into opportunities for growth change your
approach into taking out the garbage paying the bills necessary routines that
not going to go away so you might as well try to enjoy them put some music on
clean the kitchen empty the trash learn to bless each bill you pay send it off
with love how fortunate you are to even have these
luxuries in your life you can completely shift your energy have a little fun look
at these things as opportunities that you care for and yourself then making
contributions to the people you love rather than burdensome chores when you
can learn to approach every single task and situation with an attitude of joy
and enthusiasm you will notice an immediate difference in your life life
is literally what you make of it remember this life is a journey and it's
meant to be enjoyed choose to maintain a positive attitude be happy be grateful
be loving and generous surround yourself with positive people and energy look
forward to each new day with an excitement and wonder of a small child
who knows what amazing things will happen next have faith have fun your
future will unfold in miraculous ways most people are searching for happiness
and they're looking forward to trying to find it in someone or something outside
of themselves that's a fundamental mistake happiness is something that you
are and it comes from the way you think Wayne Dyer gratitude and appreciation
the best attitude that you can possibly aspire to is the one of gratitude and
appreciation gratitude and appreciation this is the best of all attitudes you
could possibly learn being truly grateful for what is already present in
your life will automatically and effortlessly attract good more good into
your life make a conscious decision to appreciate and acknowledge all that you
have already been given and blessed with these emotions are the highest
vibrational frequency period the law of attraction can and will attract even
more to be thankful for try to be grateful for every difficult and
challenging situation that arises in your life it's often through these
situations that we experience the most profound spiritual emotional growths
that you can learn - each view apparent an obstacle in view has an opportunity
to develop a new quality strength skill insight or wisdom and just be grateful
for the lessons each and every challenge is another opportunity for growth and
expansion rise to these occasions and appreciate all that you are learning in
this process keep the attitude positive and appreciate through these times that
not only you have to avoid attracting more of these difficult situations in
your life there I also help you create a field of positive energy that will
attract more of what you do want happiness is itself a kind
of gratitude Joseph wood crutch of all the attitudes that we can acquire surely
the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most
life-changing the attitude of gratitude Zig Ziglar a token of gratitude is try
carrying a small token stone crystals some other meaningful objects each day
of your pocket throughout the day each time reach into your pocket money or
keys serve as a tangible reminder to stop and think about something that you
have to be grateful for this is a great way to increase your awareness of all
that you already have and be appreciative of it take a moment to
breathe and really feel the emotion in gratitude the simple mindfulness
techniques help you raise your vibrational frequencies it keeps you in
a state of constant gratitude gratitude joy is an attitude joy is an attitude it
is a presence of love for yourself and others it comes from feeling an inner
peace the ability to give and receive an appreciation of self and others is the
state of gratitude and compassion a feeling of connection to your higher
self your gratitude journal start keeping a daily gratitude journal
acknowledgement journal this is necessary invaluable tool for developing
your own growth and awareness each day entry it's not to be intended to be
looked at drawn as a diary sort of thing just a short simple list of five things
that you are grateful for that particular day this is a place to honor
and appreciate good in your life in the daily basis gratitude each morning
before you go to bed take a minute to review your day think about the day's
events become aware of how many good things actually happened on that day and
remember to appreciate even the challenges that's encountered select the
five things people events that you are most grateful for there's no right or
wrong way to whatever whoever is sincerely grateful for in any particular
day it may be the warm Sun on your face a cool breeze a kind word a friend just
feeling the way you've handled a particular situation that would have
thrown you into a tailspin in the past anything you are grateful for as you
write them in your journal feel the gratitude and appreciation give thanks
acknowledgement take a moment to acknowledge the changes that are
occurring to you personally write them down acknowledge them for a well law of
attraction working in your life writing down a specific event where the law of
attraction was at work the parking space envision the meeting
that you wanted to schedule the bonus check you received the grade you wanted
the person said yes when you asked them about it miracles that can do and occur
on a daily basis they are happening all around you honor them notice them to
acknowledgment you become more and more aware of amazing synchronicity that is
already at work in your life make the time you spend in contemplation in
writing your gratitude and acknowledgment journal a sacred part of
your daily routine your continued expressions of joy and gratitude will
draw even more greater joy love and abundance into your life you'll begin to
notice and change your perception of each day's events you'll become more and
more aware of positive things all around you and every single day your focus will
shift your energy will shift you'll begin to appreciate how blessed you
really are the law of attraction will respond to an higher vibration to you
and how you're creating it and the law of attraction will respond to the higher
vibration you are creating enjoy the journey
because life is just a journey live each day in joy and gratitude and acknowledge
the presence of God in your life there is a calmness to a life live in
gratitude a quiet joy Ralph H bloom in your desire to make this easier we have
created a beautiful gratitude journal for you chapter 13 prayer and meditation prayer
and meditations are our connections to God to our higher power take time each
day to step away from the clutter and the noise a daily commitment to spend
this in this steel quiet place is a commitment to clarity and inner peace we
need this time and space in our lives in order to remember who we really are
what's important where our personal truth lies it is our time to calm the
spirit soothe the soul it restores balance in our lives Senate reconnects
us to our source it is through prayer meditation contemplation that we are
best able to hear our own inner voice this is the time to pause connect not
only with God but with ourselves in our creative subconscious mind this time
spent within nourishes us on the deepest levels physically emotionally and
spiritually some people say that through prayer we are talking to God through
meditation we are listening to him through quiet contemplation we can look
inside and reconnect with our own deeper truths and wisdom through each of these
practices we are opening our hearts and our minds and preparing ourselves to
receive divine guidance and inspiration the value of consistent prayer is not
that he will hear us but that we will hear him the value and consistent of
consistent prayer is that he will not hear us but that we will hear him
William McGill if you have never meditated before here's a simple
structure that you can use to begin find a quiet and comfortable place and set
aside at least 10 to 15 minutes of undisturbed time comfortably with your
back straight but not stiff take a deep breath relax and do your best to put
aside all thoughts of the past in the future keeping your focus right here in
the present moment become aware of breathing by focusing your attention and
sensation on air that is moving in and out of your body as you breathe fill
your stomach gently rising and falling as you breathe in and breathe out feel
the coolness and the warmth of the air that enters and leaves your nostrils as
they inhale and exhale notice the way each breath changes and is different
observe your thoughts as they come and go your thought to come on your mind but
don't ignore them or suppress them simply notice them and let them drift on
by always returning your focus back to your breathing if you find yourself
getting carried away by your thoughts just observe where your mind went and
without judging simply return to your breathing once again let your breath
serve as an anchor for your thoughts as your time comes to clothes quietly
and slowly return your thoughts and consciousness to your surroundings get
up gradually and stretch for a moment or two you are now ready to get back to the
normal routine relaxed and refreshed if we know the divine art of concentration
if we know the divine art of meditation if we know the divine art of
contemplation easily and consciously we can unite the
inner world and the outer world Sri Chinmoy there are many ways to meditate
but in general they consist of being still in quiet for a period of time
focusing your intention on focusing your attention on either breath or a mantra
of some sort if you are new to practice of meditation
your thoughts will drift and your mind will wander at first but remember not to
be hard on yourself when this happens this is just a part of learning how to
meditate and I love the metaphor that it's like standing on the side of a
river watching boats drift by and every once in a while you'll discover this
you've gotten into you've gotten into one of the boats and are floating down
the river just simply get out of the boat climb back onto the riverbank and
start observing the boats your thoughts again don't worry about whether or not
you are getting right your ability to stay focused will increase with time and
practice don't worry about you whether or not you're getting it right when it
comes to concentration and meditation the regular practice of meditation will
help you clear your mind of distractions cleanse your thoughts and enhance your
spiritual connection it renews the spirit relaxes the body and calms the
soul meditation is a tool for reflection and inquiring within and it's one of the
best ways to steal your thoughts to still your thoughts in order to receive
divine guidance through the practice of meditation you'll begin to become even
more aware of your own subtle intuitive impulses insights ideas emotions and
inspirations meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal
awareness or pure consciousness without objectification knowing without thinking
merging fine a tune in infinite in infinity meditation is this solution of
thoughts in eternal awareness of pure consciousness without objection knowing
without thinking merging fine attune in infinity and infinity Voltaire spend
time each day in quite contemplation and in quiet contemplation with quiet
contemplation of prayer and meditation spend time each day and here's a simple
invocation that you can use to begin an invocation and seeking to transform our
lives we ask for guidance and clarity we ask that we find our purpose and our
mission in life we ask for divine inspiration
we ask to be of service and we ask to help in releasing any old negative or
limited thought patterns we ask that our thoughts and actions unfold for greater
good of all people and we ask that miracles unfold not only in our own
lives but in the lives of others we are
thankful we ask for peace we ask for harmony we ask to make a difference in
the world there's an inner alchemy that takes place through our prayer and
meditation they help you empty your mind of worries and negative thoughts and
make you and make them have room to be filled with joy and bliss and love these
are transformational processes that can change you on a cellular level they are
literally changing your brain and patterns increasing good feelings and
creating senses of happiness in addition in that the vibrational frequencies of
these positive emotions in a perfect harmony with what you want to attract
into your life the frequencies through prayer
contemplation of meditation you're aligning yourself with a higher power of
opening yourself up to an unlimited potential of infinite wisdom of the
universe your devotion and commitment to spiritual growth and expansion will
serve to alter your consciousness and open you up to a greater awareness of
miracles circumstances possibilities synchronicity already is in work in your
life through prayer you are acknowledging God you are acknowledging
that there is a higher power at work in your life by acknowledging prayer you're
acknowledging God and that there is a higher power in work in your life
prayer contemplation and meditation are essential powerful tools in your life
again you need the prayer you need to pray to have prayer 5-10 times a day
have a prayer contemplation will you contemplate anything about your life or
where you want to go and be and meditation these are essential powerful
tools in your life so make a commitment to use them there they are the way in if
you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer Matthew 21:22 if
you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer you if you believe
chapter 14 action take action start by opening your mind and heart commit
yourself to daily use of tools that we provided with you and to strive to
become more aware of an amazing synchronicity that's already existing
in your life sweep away all lingering negative thoughts and emotions sweep
away all doubts take action each day every day that will move you towards
your purpose and your fulfillment of your dreams take action there are no two
kinds there are two kinds of action that you can take the obvious action the
obvious action is we are all familiar with obvious action some examples about
the exact obvious action are if you want a new car going out and test driving all
the cars you were interested in choosing the exact model you want saving 10% of
your income for a car amount and if you want to become a doctor then obviously
take actions things applying to medical school taking courses in pre-med and so
on obviously actions are logical actions that logical and somewhat predictable
actions steps that stem from a conscious mind obvious actions are logical
somewhat predictable actions steps action steps that stem from your
conscious mind the second action is inspired action aspired actions muchly
near and it's often times will seem to be completely unrelated to your ultimate
goals once you begin to get in touch with your higher consciousness by using
your vision book affirmations visualizations daily gratitude journal
meditations in prayer the universe will start responding by sending you the
ideas people opportunities money and other resources you need to fulfill your
desires and make your dreams a reality you are going to find that you have
inspired ideas intuitive impulses gentle prodding from your dreams you must act
on them let your curiosity and interest guide you this is inspired action it's
when your curiosity guides you it's the action born of your willingness to trust
your inner voice inspired action is a real demonstration of your belief and
positive expectations this type of action is funneled through the
subconscious mind and is inspired by your awareness and openness to the
possibilities all around you it speaks of your trust in your connection it
takes faith to move forward and with inspiring action because it is far less
familiar to us than obvious action inspired action is more is far more
unfamiliar to us than obvious action dreams pass into a reality of action
dreams pass into the reality of action and from the action stems the dream
again and this interdependent produces and this
interdependence produces the highest form of living to dream and have reality
actions and the actions will stem the dream again often your intuitive nudges
will be very subtle and they may seem to have no direct relationship to the
fulfillment of your dreams but if you follow them your life will become very
magical based on your desires you will soon that will soon be led down the
wonderful path of transformation growth and fulfillment this path may look quite
different from the one that you originally imagined but learn to trust
your deeper self learn to trust the process learn to trust God in the
universe you are co-creating with a higher power that knows more and sees
more than you can ever so be prepared to not only take the obvious logical steps
which lead you to the direction of your dreams and aspirations but take the less
obvious ones as well have faith be willing to move forward and have
confidence and conviction of your desires knowing that the universe will
support you in your efforts take any action and simply logical extensions of
your belief in your trust if you didn't really believe something was possible
you wouldn't take any action at all you have to believe that it's possible the
basic difference between here and the obvious action is pretty much just up to
you and you alone whereas inspired action using the power of your
subconscious mind believing in the co-creating with God in the universe a
combination of these two is ideal give it to God and be willing to do the work
thought is the blossom language is the bud but action the fruit behind it Ralph
Waldo Emerson remember through the law of attraction the universe will provide
you with all you need in order to reach your goals you will attract the
necessary resources ideas people into your life it's up to you to recognize
though and it's up to you to follow through on these inspired thoughts and
ideas everything you want is out there waiting for your asking everything you
want also wants you but you have to take action to get it the universe wants you
to succeed expect your every need to be met expect your answer to every problem
expect abundance on every level Eileen caddy start making room in your
life for beauty and abundance that is rightfully yours
remember how powerful you are it is not enough to dream a desire you must
actually be willing to take action both internally and externally
towards creating the life of your dreams you must also be disciplined enough to
follow through with the daily rituals that will keep you in the state a
positive vibrations that is the match for the future you desire you must also
discipline enough to follow through with daily rituals that will keep you in the
state of positive vibrations that will match for the future you desire so much
commitment to take these actions each day make a commitment integrate these
rituals into your daily routine here's some daily rituals number one beginning
today by spending at least five minutes focusing on your mind your desires goals
and tensions get comfortable close your eyes and visualize all the goals you
desire as already being fulfilled already being fulfilled really really
feel the emotion that it's a reality see your day going exactly as you would like
it to number two use your tools each day your vision book your vision book your
gratitude journal your gratitude journal your gratitude token and affirmations
will also provide tangible external inspiration and positively shift your
energetic field make a commitment to really use these tools daily and apply
them in your life number three start paying attention how often you have
emotional responses each day that are not in alignment with your purpose of
creating the life you desire don't ignore nor take for granted the
emotional responses that are not aligned with your purpose of creating the life
you desire whenever you become aware of this makeshift make a shift make the
shift quick and change your thoughts and feelings to that of a vibrational match
for what you want to attract always change your vibrational match your
vibrational match so what it is that you want to attract stay focused on the
things that bring you joy and keep you your expectations positive number four
remember the importance of gratitude appreciation in all the areas of your
life make time each day to connect with God and with yourself five take action
every day for the alignment with your purpose goals and desires be mindful and
aware act upon your inspired ideas and trust your emotions and intuition pay
attention and respond to the feedback that you're getting make daily steps in
the direction of your dreams acknowledge the law of attraction is working
your life with every evidence of its effect acknowledge and give thanks the
more you acknowledge that it's working the more it will work it's that simple
acknowledge the law of attraction that is working in your life see where your
own energy wants to go not where you think it should go do something because
it feels right not because it makes sense follow the spiritual impulse go
where your energy wants to go and do something just because it feels right Mary Hays Graco hold tight to the
purpose and vision that you've created for your own future and own them with
every ounce of your being keep all of your actions in alignment with your
higher purpose believe in yourself keep your intentions pure and you'll
attract an amazing beautiful thing into your life so be fearless to have fun be
willing to take a few risks reach for the stars and know that you are
supported in every way move forward with confidence and direction of your dreams
and desires believe that you are not only that they are not only possible but
they are already in progress move forward with confidence in the direction
of your dreams and desires and believe that they are not only possible but they
are already in progress all your dreams and desires are already in progress
if you have the courage to begin you have the courage to succeed
David visco chapter 15 believe believe the tools we provided will prepare the
soil but you must plant the seeds and create an environment that will nourish
and growth and the expansion now that you place your order with the universe
you must have faith be resident trust that it's already so and give it to God
although you already know the exact path to your dreams the will it reveals
itself and by willing to take action once you commit to your dreams the law
of attraction will take care of the rest and life will present you with people
circumstances and whatever else is needed to bring them in a reality you
must be the change that you want to see in the world Mahatma Gandhi we hope that
you will make a personal commitment to creating a better life for yourself in a
better world around all of us imagine the possibilities and visions just how
amazing the world could become if all of us just made this shift into awareness
into a positive state of being can you imagine how
world would be if everyone made the shift into awareness of a positive state
of being we could shift the energy of the entire planet one person at a time
through our awareness generosity commitment intention we could truly
begin to live in accordance with the natural laws of the universe and restore
our balance with nature we can create a world filled with love joy harmony and
peace give up your small ambitions and come and save the world st. Francis
Xavier Cabrini we have been living far too long in a state of oblivion
completely unaware of just how powerful we really are now is the time to reclaim
your power now is the time to be fully accountable for the state of our lives
in the state of the world that we live in announce the time to reclaim the joy
and abundance that is rightfully ours the law of attraction is motion and you
have already begun the future is yours see it feel it believe it just take the
first step in faith you don't have to see the whole staircase just take the
first step Martin Luther King jr. Just take the
first step in faith you don't have to see the whole staircase just take the
first step to fully live the law of attraction and create the life of your
dreams to fully live the law of attraction and create the life of your
dreams you have to use your affirmations daily use your gratitude journal daily
use your vision book daily spend your time each day in prayer of meditation
stay true to your purpose believe in your dreams focus on the positive live
in a state of constant gratitude visualize the life that you desire be
passionate about life be generous be happy do the things that make you feel
good find the best in every situation listen to your inner voice respond to
internal and external feedback follow through on your inspired thoughts be
aware of miracles all around you be willing to take risks move forward with
confidence acknowledge the change you see and feel remember the law of
attraction trust release it to God source the universe this is the key to
unlocking the law of attraction and this is the key to your future if you have
questions or comments please contact the author Jack Canfield
everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask everything you want once
you but you have to take action to get it
the universe wants you to succeed keys to the key to living the law of
attraction the simple guide to creating the life of your dreams Jack Canfield
thank you for watching this video my friends I hope you really enjoyed it
make sure you leave a comment below and please subscribe to this channel I want
to give you so much more thank you and I'll see you next time The KEY To Living The Law of Attraction: A Super Simple Guide To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams.