thoughts and deeds. His activities have roots in six sources: (1) Needs, (2) Habits, (3) Environmental conditions (4) Other's imposition, (5) Heredity, (6)
Divinity (evolutionary process of nature) Differences among individuals are because
of differences in age, need, experience, and manner of living. Because of these small differences, conflicts
of opinion may arise every now and then. By developing intellectual faculties such
as receptivity, flexibility and adaptability, one can avoid conflict within self, between
self and family members, and between self and society.
All conflicts arise because of needs, quantity,
quality, and time. For example, one may wish to purchase a car. This may produce conflict among family members
regarding the need to purchase the car. Or there may be conflict regarding the size
or cost (quantity) of the car.
The third conflict may be regarding the brand
or type (quality) of car and how it is to be purchased and maintained. The final conflict may be regarding when (time)
the car is to be purchased-today, tomorrow, or even next year. Whatever the conflict, it will arise from
one or all four of these aspects. The most effective way to avoid conflict is
to develop the quality of adaptability.
To assert that, "I am right. Everyone else should accept my opinion and
be submissive to me," is a human weakness arising from Ego. This autocratic mentality creates many problems
and miseries in life. We have to realize the tremendously evil results
of such negative thinking and adopt better methods.
A more positive method would be to consider,
"What will be the result if I accept the other person's opinion and cooperate?" If one comes to the conclusion that no material
loss or mistake will result if the other's opinion is accepted, then it is better to
cooperate. This is a positive method for maintaining
harmony between self and society. Learn Simplified Kundalini Meditation and
Live a Harmonious Life. Visit SimplifiedKundaliniYoga.Com Be blessed by the divine,
Krish Murali Eswar..

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