are key questions many share how can we prosper and grow do we search for
meaning or breast or survival something within you knows that there are answers
to those profound questions I want to evolve I want to express myself better
I've joined world-renowned author teacher and philosopher Michael Bernard
Beckwith as we explore and celebrate all of our human potential the answer is you is next I'm so glad that you're here with us
this evening individuals are walking the planet now
and they're asking how can I stay expanded in a world that seems to be
contracting how can I evolve when everything seems to be dissolving right
in front of me how can I become more myself when the world seems to be
crumbling right in front of me and many of you here today probably have
some of those same questions how could I. Make it through the night how can I have
what I need how can I grow more in prosperity how
can I achieve a level of well-being and health and harmony and wholeness in my
life when it seems as though everything is topsy-turvy and something within you
knows that there are answers to those basic but yet profound questions
something within you knows is that within you is the answer something
within you knows that if you keep on asking the right question if you keep on
digging if you keep on searching you'll eventually bump into the answer and
ultimately you will discover it that it's with you all of the time ultimately
you'll begin to discover who you are in this moment you can think independent of
any circumstances going on in your life right this moment as you're sitting here
listening to me there may be some issue that you're seeking to solve there may
be some problem you're trying to overcome there may be some sense of
discomfort that you're trying to free yourself from and as you're sitting here
listening to me right now you're thinking independent of that experience
and that means you are exercising the faculty that you have with the universal
presence to think independent of any issue that's going on and enter into a
co-creative relationship with this presence and ultimately change your life
ultimately change your life so in substance what I'm saying that you're
not the body you have a body you're not the mind you have a mind that you are an
avenue of awareness that is conscious of the body
you're an Avenue of awareness that's conscious of the mind and as you begin
to expand your awareness as to who and what you really are you get to make
choice says that liberates you from limitation
liberates you from disease liberate you from discomfort liberate you from
poverty and lack and limitation choice is actually a function of ever expanding
awareness and as you begin to have certain practices in your life certain
heart sets and mind sets you will begin to make the great discovery that all of
the power and presence and love prosperity abundance joy spontaneous
goodness happiness all the things that seem so fleeting that seem to be outside
of yourself just outside of your grasp you'll begin to discover that they are
deep within you waiting to escape that you're not here to get them that you are
here to let them you're not here to get it you're here to let it flow by making
high choices from an expanded awareness as to who and what you really are
you want to think about that for a moment because what I have just told you
in short is that you no longer need to be a victim to circumstance you no
longer need to be a victim to the past you no longer have to be a victim to a
future in which you are projecting negativity you no longer have to be a
victim to anything that anyone has ever said about you you no longer have to be
a victim to the things that you've said about yourself you no longer have to be
a victim to anything that through your expanded awareness of this dynamic and
magnificent to presence through the expanded awareness you get to make a
choice you get to make a choice to become more yourself an anchor on earth
in time and space the eternal qualities of love in a beauty and of well-being
what I'm saying to you you're not the constellation of changing personalities
that are forged into being based on circumstances in your life you're not
the mind and how you can check this out for me if you don't believe me you're
walking down the street minding your own business and then suddenly you hear your
mind talking without you it's having a full-on conversation and
you can just stop and listen for a while and it has an opinion it has a point of
view a perspective it has all manner of things going on and you're not even
participating who and what is watching the mind that's an indication that
you're not the mind that the mind is a set of programs that have been inherited
from the world from your biology from your parents from circumstances and
situations but who you are is a unique emanation of something so wonderful and
so magnificent that by means of you wants to come into expression wants to
reveal itself and these transcendent yet eminent qualities that we call love and
that we call beauty and that we call harmonizing prosperity and that we call
abundance and that we call living intelligence by means of you they want
to express themselves the whispering in your ear saying let me be free set me
free today allow me to come forward and express myself and you are here to in
some way make a choice to say yes to make a deeper commitment to a great
discovery that is within you that you may go on and live the life of your
dreams that you may live the life of a high intention of a great vision great
possibilities you may live a life not as a bystander but live a life as an
individual that's becoming aware that you are the way that the universe is
becoming conscious of itself and that all of the power that's birthing
galaxies and millions of miles of minute all of that power is within you right
now waiting for you to call into expression a life worth living so that
when it comes time for you to leave the domain of the body temple that you can
look back and say that your time on planet Earth
made a difference in the society in which you live at the time on planet
Earth made a difference in your neighborhood
made a difference your nation made a difference in your
family made a difference we're talking something has been planted in you by the
universal presence itself and that something is inviolate it's it's never
been hurt it's something that is always waiting for the right condition that it
may leap into expression and this is very very important because when the
proper conditions are met the potential of anything can rise and express itself
what do I mean by that you take a little seed and in this seed there is a
template there is an idea called the rosebush this particular seed can be
tossed about on the winds for a long period of time and then a number of
years later finally found itself into the fertile soil when it hits that soil
and he began to rain and the dirt was proper there was proper nutrition and
all the things necessary proper light and that seed began to grow into a
magnificent rosebush the idea being that within that seed was a perfect pattern
already placed there not in the future not in the past but in the nowness of
that moment in that instant there's a perfect pattern already there and when
the condition was met that seed became its full potential what I'm saying to
you is that there's something within you there seeds within you there are ideas
within you there's vision within you and when the condition is met it doesn't
matter who your parents were doesn't matter who your parents weren't it
doesn't matter what side of the track she came from it doesn't matter what the
economic system is doing doesn't matter if they left you if they lie to you if
they gossip about you it doesn't matter about anything that's
going on outside of you and you begin to think independent of that circumstance
and create the necessary condition within your own soul within your own
awareness within your own mind your potential will rise up and express
itself and you will become more yourself so all of these qualities are within you
now baby give him a little taste I am Miami I'm in the land of I am the
land of the eternal presence in the land of our witness in the land of our
interior tea in the land of our expanded awareness of who and what we are all of
our gifts all of our dreams are within us you can say to yourself as you're
observing the mine from time to time I. Am no longer subject to what my mind
believes I'm no longer subject to the rumors of my mind I'm no longer subject
to the superstition that my mind has and you can begin to free yourself from that
programming and allow the gift that is within you to not only set you free but
it sets itself free and pulls you along with it there are mindsets and our heart
sets for you to hold for you to practice for you to drill down into and you will
discover that if you do and you begin to create the condition these gifts will
emerge when that seed blossoms into the rosebush it does not
seek out any kind of therapy saying why was I in that pocket for so long why did
the wind toss me for so long who did this to me why why why me the moment the
condition was met in that instant the seed began to grow the moment the
condition is met the high potential within you will rise the gifts of
divinity that need to be stirred into activity those goals within you those
dreams within you the fabric of the universal presence that has forged
itself into such uniqueness as each and every individual here unrepeatable nam
Ana's are you all what does that mean a phenomena is something that comes and
goes it's transitory but a nomina is an idea held in the mind of the
universal one that is forever you are unique configuration of the all that is
waiting to come forth and express itself and you are going to create the
condition within yourself with a few guidelines that you're going to begin to
practice so that you're no longer thinking that your good is outside of
yourself you're no longer thinking that it's in the future you're no longer
thinking if someone else has it you're no longer thinking that if everything
outside would just come together I would be happy no you're going to expand
during a time of contraction you're going to have peace during the time of
turmoil you're going to evolve during a time of dissolution you're going to
allow yourself to glow and to grow and become more and never less than your
true self it was Ralph Waldo Emerson that coined the phrase endogenous as
opposed to indigenous something is indigenous that means that it flourishes
in a particular environment a palm tree is indigenous to Hawaii California you
put it in Antarctica you put it in the snow the palm tree is not gonna do too
good there it's indigenous to a much warmer climate but you are endogenous
and that means you create your environment from within yourself so it
doesn't matter where you are so in this instant your being a soulfully reminded
ed that everything that you could want hope for and desire is within you you
will be reminded that there are gifts of divinity that are within you you will be
reminded that there are ideas planted within your own heart
you're being reminded that there's so much power within the new and you no
longer be gonna become victimized by Aaron thought patterns that would have
you thinking that there's something out there that determines your destiny
whether it be biological imperatives or the society in which you live no as an
endogenous spiritual being uh you are going to determine your own destiny in
other words a fate is what life brings you
is what you do with it and you get to determine that as an endogenous nomina
held in the universal presence that is within you you get to determine this in
this moment you get to create the proper condition for the rising up and the
ultimate expression of the good that is within you as you become willing to
reflect and reveal a cosmic order harmony peace love wisdom joy well-being
all of these qualities are within you now do I have your ear as a comma on my favorite winter coat
this wind is blowing my mind see the key to the street not enough to eat Who am I
to be blind pretending not to see their me
I suppose disregard I'm broken they follow each other on the wind you
know till they got no place to go that's why I want if you wanna make a well change there's a movement of energy within you
there is something within you a gift that needs to be shared something that
needs to express through you and that negativity that impossibility thinking
comes up through your own awareness or moves through someone else saying you
know you can't do that it's impossible it's never been done before you're too
old you're too fat you do this you don't have enough education you have too much
education and you begin to just allow that to weigh you down and you end up
doing nothing creating the condition for apathy lethargy crating condition for
you to be in the box of individuals who are not sharing their gifts not living
who and what they are to be on this planet at this time in human history the
first thing you want to do in creating the condition for the growth development
and unfoldment of your soul is stop listening to the opinions of others stop
listening to negativity stop listening to what might go wrong stop listening to
what you might have to lose if you go for your dream stop listening to what
you have to give up in order to be who and what you really are when that's
something bigger than circumstance wants to express itself you do your best to
not listen to negativity and then along the way as you begin to take your step
as you begin to move in the direction of your vision you begin to move in the
direction of your high-minded goals you begin to move in the direction of that
evolutionary impulse that governs the entire universe that by means of you
wants to express itself you may encounter delays along the way and every
delay is not a denial it simply means that you're getting something that
you're gonna need to go forward this is what the delays mean why is that the
universe is friendly and it's for you life is for you life is progressive it
wants to express through you everything is working for your good so when there
is a delay you perhaps have to ask yourself what is it that's
to emerge right now in my life you may have to ask yourself what is it that I
need to become in order to move forward what gift do I need to activate you
might need to ask what potential is within me that is seeking to express
itself and it will begin to talk to you so your delay is not a denial it means
that you're getting something along the way that you're going to need in the
course of the unfoldment of your soul and the delivery of your gifts the bane
of the human experience is that we complain and bemoan about what we do not
have when we're sitting on so much beauty we're sitting on so much capacity
to share and give and we want to wake up every single day in gratitude for
everything that we already have and we want to begin to use what we have often
time people are running around trying to get something more in their life and
they're not utilizing what they have they're not praising what they have
they're not in gratitude for what they have they're constantly complaining
about what they don't have and so this universal law matches that vibration and
says you don't have it you'll never have it because that is what's coming out of
your mouth on a regular basis you want to use what you have
begin to take an inventory in your life of every good and perfect thing that you
already have every gift every capacity within you begin to look and see what
you have and begin to develop an awareness of what you have and then you
walk in this world and this conscious state of being about what you have and
then the universe matches that awareness of what you have and more is given into
you this is the law this is the law these are the conditions how often does
complaining which Bob Marley call prayers to the devil how often is
complaining and bemoaning your faith come out of your mouth a lot of you you
may have placeholders in negativity what do I mean by that if something you're
concerned about something you're worried about and it has you tied up in knots
and then you come to an event like this or you watch a program like this or
something inspires you and for a moment you're out of time in space you're
available to insight and revelation you're available to wisdom and guidance
and then your mind starts to say what was I worried about now and you go on a
hunt for it you have like a placeholder in negativity then and you just was like
oh oh there it is that's I'm worried about oh yeah I feel good now because I
can worry again you see and so many of you have developed the practice of
having a placeholder in negativity I'm inviting you to have a placeholder in
affirmation a placeholder with your aha moments a placeholder with your expanded
awareness so that when things start to get you down you come back and you
remember all that insight that revelation that guidance I remember what
that feels like and you begin to walk in that awareness talk from that awareness
having that having a consciousness that having awareness so that there is a
vibrational match from the universal flow that corresponds to the nature of
your song and that is now affirmative life giving life enhancing
in vibrational match with all of the power and presence and love that there
is are you following what I'm saying here Ricky baby give him a little
something right there today Sun is rising on me today Sun is rising
on me today let's feel better and everywhere he calls Sun is rising on me Sun is rising and that proverbial
sunshine is always shining on us it's always seeking to rise up and through us
that is the nature of reality that we are luminous beings with the capacity by
thanking independent of circumstances and co-creating with this universal flow
this universal presence we begin to engage this Sun that is always shining
always expressing the love that's always shining we begin as we're talking now to
become the right condition for the emergence of the possibilities that are
within us creating these mindsets and heart sets that I've just spoke about
that brings your destiny back into your own hands so that what fate has brought
you when it's been doled out as circumstances and situations do not
determine your destiny you are participating in your own unfolding
destiny and so we've we've come to an awareness here and we want to keep on
going a little deeper and it may mean that you might have to change your diet
you might have to come into the worry-free diet and the worryfree diet
is extremely important in other words as those who have been holding their place
in negativity and holding their place and worried you can sit there and worry
as long as you want and I'm really worried about this and I'm really
concerned about this and you'll notice the next day nothing has changed the
next day nothing has changed I'm gonna worry some more and the next day nothing
has changed you've begun to discover that worrying has no transformational
you worry is-is-is rehearsing emotionally rehearsing the very things
you don't want to happen you're actually rehearse it in your mind and what you're
saying I hope this doesn't happen I hope they said it happens hopefully
something take place I hope they don't do that oh my god please don't let this
happen and you're beginning to feel the pains of worry even if what you worry
about doesn't happen in the physical your body doesn't know the difference it
starts to spin out toxic chemicals it starts to block your creativity starts
to prematurely age you all because you're standing in the vibration in the
field of worry so we want you to go on a worry-free diet and the diet goes like
this first of all you must have you're not scible soup every day
I didn't say matzo ball I said knots of all what do I mean by that whenever you
hear negativity you say not so somebody's saying you know they're just
not enough jobs out there not so somebody is saying there's not enough
good men out there not so somebody's saying not enough good women not so
somebody's saying there's not enough opportunities for for the good that
wants to express in my life not so every single day you begin to start your day
with a little matzo ball soup and then you want to add a little Cheerios goes
like this someone's coming up to you and you gotta
really watch human beings human beings are interesting you ever watch human
beings you're interesting and they will come up to you from time to time and
they'll start gossiping about things and they'll start telling you the worst case
scenarios about stuff you ever know human beings like that it's hard outside
life is hard until you die Oh there's nothing good ever happens in
this world oh there's not enough good opportunities anywhere oh oh oh gotta go you're not being rude you're zeroing out
the negativity that's coming at you and then you got to dive deep into your
grateful fruit I'm talking about grateful fruit and that is every single
day of your life you develop the mindset and the heart set of waking up and going
on a hunt to look what you can be grateful for you go on a hunt to look
what you can be thankful for and how you can live in appreciation you begin to
live this gratitude is such a level that you begin to discover that there's more
and more and more and more things to be grateful for until your mind becomes an
avenue of awareness of gratitude it becomes your new heart set it becomes
your new point of reference and because of that gratitude and Thanksgiving a
more and more and more can begin to flow into your life there's a couple of
stages of gratitude there's the one stage in which you become grateful for
everything that you have it's a beautiful thing and then stage two you
become grateful for the negativity that's in your life whew that's a hard
one bad things happen you say thank you I'm so glad that this is taking place
why because you live in a progressive universe in other words every time the
earth rolls around on its axis and rolls around the Sun and the Sun
rolls on this axis and goes through its solar system and the solar system goes
through the galaxy and the gas of galaxies goes through the cosmos as each
of those heavenly bodies circles around there is progress in the universe the
vibration is elevated and if you are the very same person 365 days later
from this day you haven't stayed the same you've actually gone backwards
because everything else has progressed so when something negative happens and
you begin to be grateful for it you begin to mine the gifts and the
blessings from it it is coming into your life to help you
grow develop and unfold develop strengths and capacities and activate
potential within you that otherwise could not happen how many times if you
look back on your life something that you were going through and you just
wanted to be over he didn't want it to be happening you were into wishful
thinking I wish this wasn't happening I. Wish I wasn't where I was I wish I
wasn't who I was and and ultimately when you look back you realized that you are
who you are today because of that particular experience that that gift and
that talent emerged because of the seeming negativity now if you become
grateful and thankful in the midst of seeming negativity you join forces with
the progressive universe you learn your lessons faster you harvest your
blessings at an ever-increasing level and you spin into a greater awareness as
to the infinite possibilities within you there's gratitude for all the good that
you have there's gratitude for the seeming bad that's taking place and then
you break into another level of gratitude and that is gratitude for
simply being alive unattached to anything now this gratitude is very
important because this is the gratitude that aligns you with all of nature right
now all of nature is giving thanks and is grateful for existing period in other
words it's not saying I'm so glad that I.
Exist and I and I gotta have a car I'm
so glad that I exist I'm gonna be even more happy when I get and you fill in
the blank all of nature is in pure gratitude for simply existing and being
able to participate in the realm of the divine the unfolding good that is
everywhere when you begin to eat of the fruit of gratitude you will go through
the stage of learning to be grateful for everything that you have then you'll go
through the stage of learning to be grateful for even the seeming bad in
your life and then you'll break into the awareness of just being grateful period
and as you stand in that awareness of being grateful period there becomes an
opening within you that allows for the wisdom the
right into the direction that can come through you now because the static of
worry and doubt and fear has been diminished and now you can hear the
guidance of your soul the intuition the wisdom that is there beckoning you to
become more and never less than your true self the static is wiped off the
line through the eating of the fruit of gratitude and so you got you not to ball
soup what was the next one you got you Cheerios what was the next one
you got your grateful fruit and then you drill into your no TV dinner this is
very important unless you're watching public broadcast you're going to have to take some heavy
digestive enzymes in order to watch regular television so you're gonna have
to take your no TV dinner and instead begin to tell a vision on a regular
basis this is what you're going to have to do you're going to have to begin to
associate with like-minded individuals instead of bemoaning your fate and
inviting people over to a pity party you're going to invite people over to a
visioning party in which you're going to sit down and begin to ask questions such
as what's trying to emerge in my life what good is present that I presently
cannot see what gift is trying to happen in my life right now
what power is trying to emerge right now whatever it means sitting on that wants
to come forward you begin to tell a vision to the individuals around you and
you begin to share these visions rather than negativity and you will create a
vibration of a proper condition that will love with the vision that was
within all of us to emerge in such a way that people will not recognize you year
to year because you have broken from the paradigm of the world in which you are
living which is trying to turn you into a consumer rather than a creator you
will break free from that with your no TV dinner but telling a vision on a
regular basis and then you finish your dinner with a little receptivity you sip
on some receptivity it's so sweet is so wonderful it brings to your awareness
the idea that everything you can one hope for desire is already here it's
pulsating everywhere and you are here to be receptive to it to open yourself up
to it to make yourself available to it to say yes to it so you're living your
life in a sacred yes to life yes to beauty yes to joy yes to love yes to
abundance yes the prosperity yes the compassion yes to service and you begin
to be receptive because this life this beauty this joy that is everywhere that
by means of wants to express itself it has a little
difficulty if in fact there's no receptivity so you have to be receptive
I'm available I am NOT here to get I am here to let something happens the no
worried diet becomes your way of living someone's in need of a prayer today have
you done your part someone's in despair this day have you
prayed so many are trying to buy
and they need three I have EU spoken or to maintain did you
give your all in / air this world is indeed about what do you say did you ask so many OC. Just listen to your spirit it's 10:00 then as we begin to practice the no
worry diet as we begin to practice deep and profound opening ourselves up to
grander vision and to begin to open ourselves up to using what we have we
begin to open our ourselves up to understanding that every delay is not a
denial this is something seeking to grow and as we begin to open ourselves up
with speaking the word with authorities begin to open ourselves up on a regular
basis we become oriented differently becomes an expanded awareness happens
and now we've gone from orientation to this orientation to reorientation and in
that period from orientation this orientation it doesn't necessarily feel
good all the time it's kind of confusing it's kind of Oh what's going on before I
started all these spiritual practices I. Was kind of happy at least I pretended I
was I could fake it I could go to happy hour and pretend I
was happy but now I don't know what's going on I feel confused it's dark
something's something's not working but is in that state of dissolution that
there's an evolution taking place the emergence of the gifts within you are
coming forward because you're creating the right condition and in that state
there is a reorientation and then change takes place you begin to see yourself as
you really are nothing wrong with you nothing missing everything working
together for your good you begin to feel this in a way that you've never felt it
before and you begin to understand that the good that you're seeking is the good
that you're seeking to give not get you begin to see that everything you want to
hope for and desire is within you and that you are here to set it free you're
here to release it you're here to allow it you're here to to let it not get it
how do we have these mindsets and these heart sets that I've just talked about
and it comes down to asking empowering questions the universe responds to the
questions that you ask and oftentimes individuals ask disempowering questions
they will ask why me Oh Lord why me who's to blame
what's wrong so we have to ask some empowering questions and here's why
every problem that you have in life is a question that's trying to ask itself and
every question is an answer trying to reveal itself and every answer is an
action trying to express itself and every action is a way of life trying to
be born let me break that down for you again a problem in your life stands for
emblem it really means emblem it's emblematic of a set of beliefs
perceptions and points of view that we're holding on to so without pictures
as a problem it's really an emblem of issues within our own awareness
conditions that are preventing the expression of our good it's inviting us
to ask a question for every problem there's a question trying to be asked
for every answer there's an action trying to be expressed and for every
action there is a way of life trying to be born so the universe is inviting you
to ask a question matter of fact it's daring you to ask a question to ask a
proper question because if you do your life will change and the comfort zones
that you are living in and the coping mechanisms that you have become used to
they will shatter they will fall apart it will be a little uncomfortable
some people have become used to lack and limitation they're used to this ease in
this harmer they're used to it and they develop the whole way of life to
maintain that particular way of being but if you begin to ask the right
question the answers will come the actions will come the way of life will
be born and you will not know yourself anymore you won't be able to remember
who that person was and in that space you begin to understand the law and that
you only get to keep what you give away and that as you are allowing the love
the peace the joy the wisdom and the harmony to express through you as you
allow your vision state to speak itself into expression the world rolls up at
your feet and becomes whatever is necessary for the next step of your
evolution and you will grow from lack and limitation to abundance and health
and prosperity and you begin to discover that all of it is right here and right
now it is not in the past it is not in the future
Rikki BV and I were in New York City we were at the United Nations and I had the
opportunity to speak at a special forum there and after the speaking we had to
catch a plane because we had an engagement the next day and so as we
were coming out of the United Nations and we were getting into this van take
us to the airport I became aware that I. Had left my mobile phone inside the
assembly hall and I said Ricky I got to go back and she says no we might miss
our plane I said no I got I need my phone I got all the information I got
all my phone numbers I need it and she said okay so I go through security and
I'm running down the hallway and when the security guards see me I walk really
cool and then I get to the assembly hall and open the door and there's another
assembly already in there and so I walk in like I belong there just kind of
nodded people hey how you doing and there's a woman up there speaking and I
know my phone is right behind her I got to catch a plane and then she says
something profound and everybody's clapping and in that break of energy I
go up on stage I get the phone and I go out and I run down the hallway again I
stopped when I see security I get into the van and we say ok on to JFK Airport
we get about a mile away from JFK and I.
Look at the itinerary we're supposed to
be at LaGuardia Airport oh no we're supposed to be in the
Guardia Airport we have to turn around and the driver says you said JFK I said
I know but we got to turn around we might be able to make this flight so he
turns around he's driving under the speed limit I said you're going too slow
that's the present he said you said JFK. That's the past and we said we got to
get from the guardian' that's the future so we kept bouncing back and forth
between the past the present in the future you're going too slow that's the
present you said JFK that's the past we got to get to LaGuardia that's the
future so we kept going back and forth past present future past present future
and then every now and then Ricky and I. Would stop and take a deep breath all
this well we step into the now no issues everything is fine we're in the
narrowness of this moment so we got out of the car in the nowness of this moment
everything good we go up to the counter with our bags and the guy says to us
you're at the wrong terminal he said what are you talking about it says
United there he says yes but operated by US airlines
it's another terminal I said can we walk to it says no you guys taking cab get in
the cab get to the next terminal we check in we go through security we get
to the gate and the flight was postponed an hour so we walked around and took everybody's
hand apologizing for stopping time we're so sorry we did this but but here's the
issue here's the point there are people who live in the past
immature pride or shame or people who live in the future
fear or ambition you see ambition MB. Like a person as ambidextrous they're
moving in two directions at the same time they're moving in the direction of
their dream but they're afraid they're not going to get there
ambitious and the present present is the field of your imagination and you can
have embarrassment or you can have vanity you can have a lot of things but
it can be an opening into the now the now is totally different than the
present the present is your imagination but the now is no time no space all here
now all of the qualities all of the gifts are right here and right now and
then you discover that everything is working together for your good now
here's the caveat in this here's a little small print that right now you've
been oriented by the society in which you live and somewhere along the line
you might even think that you are a consumer of some kind and as I sometimes
saying I just imagine that that word and let it amplify itself in your mind and
you begin to see that a consumer is you know
I'm a consumer I have come to this planet to consume and to get and to
become bigger you are not a consumer you are a creator you are here to co-create
with the fundamental harmony of the universe and allow it to flow through
you like never before three questions you want to ask yourself on a regular
basis you want to ask how can I grow what can I give and what can I celebrate
those are three questions you want to live with because you are evolving
unique being you want to ask every day how can I grow so at the end of that day
you're not the same person that got out of bed you've had an insight you've had
a revelation you've practiced something new you've tried something new so that
you have become more yourself how can I.
Grow today I don't want to be the same
person 365 days from today I want to evolve I want to become more myself I
want to express myself better how can I. Give you ask that question the universe
fills your hands with more than you can handle and it keeps on filling it
because you have asked how can I be a giver how can I share as I said earlier
all of nature is in celebration for simply being simply being in existence
it's celebrating constantly human beings have a tendency to postpone their
celebrations they wait for an anniversary to wait for a birthday they
wait for a raise they wait for something and then now it's time to celebrate when
you begin to ask that question what can I celebrate you're lifting your octave
and what happens is you keep ringing into your life experience you keep
creating you keep manifesting more and more and more things to celebrate how
can I grow how can I give and what can I. Celebrate these are heart sets and mind
sets for you to discover that the answer is
you to the question of more prosperity more health right relationships
abundance expansion during times of contraction the answer is you not
outside of you the answer is you not someone else the answer is you again thank you for watching this video my
friends I hope you really enjoyed it make sure you leave a comment below and
please subscribe to this channel I want to give you so much more thank you and
I'll see you next time How To PROSPER and GROW in Times of CHALLENGE and CHANGE with Michael Bernard Beckwith (The Secret).

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