in Brazil, we are located in the state of Bahia in the Atlantic rainforest, our
center is only minutes away from the most beautiful beaches. We are now with
three participants from the May 2018 retreat
Jacqueline an event organizer from US. Florence a yoga teacher from Switzerland
and Sandra a dance therapist from US. What is the most
important you learned in these days? Well I learned that I can grow and get
past some of the major stumbling blocks that I've had in my lifetime which have
caused physical manifestations, have caused problems with my throat and and
kept me back from being the best person that I could be and I think through
going through the experience of ayahuasca I was forced to examine the
things that terrified me from my youth What was the technique that helped you
most during this retreat? It actually was the understanding of what it was that I was
going through by going through the workshops and understanding why these
things were possibly affecting me the way they were like if I just went
through the journey alone I would have been very scared and not known at all
what to do with what I was seeing, other than maybe that would just reinforce my
being frightened.
Can you give me an example which workshop and what did you realize?
Okay for me there well I think all of the workshops were very helpful but for
me understanding that it was actually having to heal the child in order to be
able to move forward that was the most important piece
that I got from the workshops because I. Wouldn't have really understood, I would
never have tied them together if I would have just done ayahuasca alone I would
have only have had a uncomfortable experience and not known what to do
with it but after going to the workshops I realized that pain was from my inner
child and that inner child really needed to have compassion and really needed to
be loved and I think I spent my time trying to avoid the child and avoid the
pain so for me it's been a fantastic journey and it's going to continue from
here on. So the most powerful was to learn not to avoid your inner child instead of facing and heal what you needed to transform, you really
needed to step up and stop avoiding the situations that make you uncomfortable
and also really listen to your child you know before I never listened to her at
all, yes escaping your child you were prolonging the agony
exactly and running into the same loops over and over and over again the same
problem so this was very very helpful for me thank you. I learned that I needed
to come into my body and when we did the workshop where we should scan
our body for possible pain or blockages that was the first moment in a long time
in this life where I started to ask my body again, "if it feels" and "what it feels"
and it was such a helpful tool because during the ceremonies when
everything was amplified I could work with that tool and I could really fully
come into my body again and so much things were revealed to me that I was
finally able to embrace my shadows again and see a lot of patterns
and a lot of things of my inner child which I kept repressing and most
powerful was that I I was like always suppressing my power I was afraid of my
power and yeah I feel completely in my body again and very powerful and I'm
very happy about that I consider myself to be a very
self-aware person but what this retreat and ayahuasca and all of the the tools
that we got here did for me is it showed me it really amplified my patterns and
what I needed to learn is how to let go and it showed me that my
behaviors are more than just behaviors my behaviors were turning into my
identity, my identity of worrying so it really highlighted this and then in
addition I got information about a past life that gave me a lot of insight as to
why it's been such a struggle to use my voice.
I would never
probably volunteer to be videotaped in the past so this is a step for me to be
videotaped to use my voice and to use my power so this is a huge step for me and
being able to see how ayahuasca amplified how my behavior and my
patterns are affecting people close to me my son my dog I got to see through
their eyes I got to see how my behavior and my way of being in the world isolates both myself and them so I'm really looking forward to using the work in my
in my real you know my daily life which workshop was more productive for
you I think the first workshop really was
the one that I take, I mean the second one gave me lots of insight as to why I
am the way I am, the second was the past life where I
I saw why it's so hard for me to use my voice healing my inner child that was a
surprise that there was more information than just in this life but
that tied into the first workshop which is how I live my life on a daily basis
and how I try to retreat into my mind and to control things that are beyond my
control instead of just being present so that's
where I feel like she showed me where the real work is for me and my in my
daily life so it was difficult to go and see a past life?
It was both difficult and scary but also it was a huge relief in some ways
because what I saw was someone who literally lost their voice so that
really showed me that what I'm carrying is not just from one lifetime and that
what's in my body is not just from this birth to where I am today so it gave me
a huge insight, so while it was difficult to be in the vision it illuminated
what and the combination of my upbringing now why it's been so
difficult for me to use my voice and feel safe using my voice so I would say
it was a gift although a difficult one to be inside of at the moment, scary but
illuminating, do you think it can be productive for somebody to drink
ayahuasca alone or just to do one ceremony I would say no, I think it would
be more damaging to do it by yourself I. Know I was having a hard time in the
middle of my trip and having the support from both yourself and Rohan was
extraordinarily important I would not have done well at all without having
that support and that help and also the reassurance that everything is going
to be okay and what about this because I have a lot
of people asking can I have only one ceremony or two ceremonies, what do you
think now? No because the first time I took ayahuasca I was a little
intimidated by it and if I'd only taken it once and not gone through the
workshops and continued again I would never have the presence of mind to slow
down and listen and see and fully understand what it was that I was seeing
or probably you would not drink again anymore no I would do it again I would
definitely come back for another workshop because I think it's like
an onion and you keep pulling apart the layers and each time you make it
through another layer there's more understanding and that understanding
only helps you along your path and grow it really helps you grow to be the best
person you can be and that's ultimately what I'm trying to be is the very best I
can be what would you say to somebody that is considering doing
ayahuasca for the first time come to spirit vine I feel it's really like
we've got the best possible setting and assistance and guidance here starting
with the diet and being in a group, not being alone, feeling connected it feels
like a family now it's very beautiful and it's beautiful to share and it's a
beautiful environment in the jungle everything is with so much love and
yeah it was one of the best experience if not the best experience of my life so far I guess I would just say I do emphasize at least for myself that I
think the real work is like in your in your life like how you use the tools how
you listen to what she told you because it would be very easy I think to
slip back into old patterns so for me my work is going to be keeping
this vibration and being really aware of her inside of me as I move day to
day like waking up and reminding myself and actively being conscious because I
could see and and I think people automatically want who know you want to
pull you back into your old self because that's where they feel comfortable so
the work is being the person with these insights and doing the work when you get home so to apply all these techniques in your everyday life and to be awake as
much as possible, to own yourself yeah own yourself
thank you everybody, it was a pleasure to have you here Thank you so much.

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