heat, (electricity), and air circulation function perfectly at their respective speeds. In all organisms, energy is the main phenomenon
wherein resides the seat of Consciousness.
The body is only a vehicle for life. Comfort to Consciousness and appropriate opportunities
provided for its development result in a successful life. This is a harmonious life. So in order to maintain harmony between body
and life, we must maintain (at a normal level) the quality, and circulation of three vital
forces: air, heat and blood (liquid).
If, for any reason, anyone of these three
vital forces is disturbed, the other two will also proportionately get disturbed. This will cause pain to life. Such disturbance is called disease. The word disease comprises two parts: "dis"
and "ease." "Dis" means absence.
So disease means the absence of ease. In disease, the harmony between body and life
is disturbed. If the disturbance is intolerable and continues
for a long time, the Consciousness becomes tortured, and life cannot progress to its
spiritual maturity, which is the sole aim of its embodiment. We must follow certain principles regarding
food, work, rest, sex, and use of thought force so that the quality, quantity, and circulation
of air, heat, and blood may be maintained.
These principles should be neither neglected,
over-indulged, nor improperly used. Because of the ignorance of the law of Nature
or because of emotions caused by sensual attraction, we fail to deal with these principles properly. We either neglect or over-indulge in food. Work, rest, sex, or use of thought force.
As a result, the quantity. Quality. And circulation of air, heat, and blood become
disturbed. Of course, the working system of the human
body may undergo some chemical change due to heredity and natural occurrences as well
as climatic changes and changes in planetary positions.
These also may cause ailments and disease. These can be balanced to a certain extent,
however, by observing discipline regarding both over-indulgence and neglect of food,
work, rest, sex, and use of thought force. When the body is kept in a healthy state,
harmony between the body and life will be well maintained. Be blessed by the divine,
Krish Murali Eswar..

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